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U-shaped clips and...OH, I know what you mean. Yeah, those suck. The earlier ones are much better, nice plastic piece that mounts on the tank with the intake and outlet going through it. Don't know why they changed it. Stupid, IMO.

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I use them with my Fluval with no problem. I put it to you that you are doing it wrong... ;) Traditional U bends are OK if you have a traditional glass backed tank, but for anyone who has a little more customisation these are 100x better than a ridgid U pipe. The thing I don't like is the outlet thingie. Why is it so weirdly shaped? That this is wack!

As for the 'ribbed for her pleasure' hose. I like it. It keeps light out, and have you seen how CHEAP it is to buy? Like serious have you seen? Its a bargin, even compared to that horrid clear PVC stuff. And much better (doest get stretched like the others). I even like it a little more than the Ehiem stuff, whats that worth now? About $45 a metre from last time I looked... naff.

Fluval have their act together with the new 404. I would buy another. And it comes with media. 8.5/10.


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problem with priming it after that was the sucking - takes about half an hour on a bad day, and this is a 400lph external with about 6l capacity!

and the taste of month old cannister filter water is.. well its toxic, i had to take a day off work.

when you suck on the hose, doesn't the cannister start to fill, then you turn the motor on and attach the outlet to the spray bar and the filter goes?? that is how the 203 works anyway

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Don't get excited Alan, he is only referring to the new ribbed hoses they use on the Fluvals instead of the smooth plastic type. Dark was the one who mentioned it being for pleasure and I hate to think what he has been doing with his filters :wink::D

I have great difficulty getting my Fluval 404 to maintain a decent water flow. It goes great guns for a few days then drops to a fraction of what it should be.

My Eheim wet/dry ran perfectly for 6 months and then stopped its pumping action. I have heard of others with this problem too but no one has come up with an answer. This is why I am considering using sumps, I am not impressed with external canister filters these days and like to keep as much equipment OUT of the tank as possible.

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