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Final landscaping done, Tanganyikan Tank.


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Here are a few pics of our Tanganyikan Tank, there are a couple more add ins that have to be made, we are purchasing some tall thin slate pieces to place at the back of the rock work etc, to hide the view of heaters, and intake pipes etc Oh and a heap more large strain Vallisneria to add. We also are yet to put rimu tongue and groove panelling and also a hood is being made. We have yet to redecorate lounge, wallpaper etc, will be the last room to tackle. Should be interesting :roll: :lol:

In with our Frons we have 2 fryeri boys, 1 Lelu, 1 Alto comp, African Syno and 4 J. marlieri. The fryeri think they belong with the Frons :roll:

Will have some better pics when we do eventually shell out for a new camera. The one that took these is on it's way out and doesn't focus like it used to.

Full tank shot... (900) litres.


Fryeri boy when first introduced, trying to blend in to substrate.. :lol: And a few of our Frons.



Finally starting to settle in and colour back up again.. And Alto checking out the new residents :D


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pretty pretty pretty :) would be nicer once they are bigger :wink:

On the side note.. aren't those aqua one internal filter usually partially submerged? i.e. they have a water line indicator at the top??

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Looking awesome Mekhaela :) Cant wait for those fronts to grow up a bit they will be spectacular look like awesome fish!

I dont know anything at all about the filter but it is probably a minimum water line, ie the water has to be over it or at that level at a minimum..

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Thanks guys, yeah can't wait to add the final touches to the tank :D

On the side note.. aren't those aqua one internal filter usually partially submerged? i.e. they have a water line indicator at the top??

Yep but try telling the suction cups that :roll: Once submersed the filter seems to be far to heavy for the suction cups to support. Might be a case of placing a rock underneath to keep it pushed up, is on the thing to do list, hubby's day off work tomorrow so will be seen to. Being fully submersed doesn't damage the filter it just doesn't act as effectively apparently, who knows, it is still filtering fine. At least it's running in and can fix it with rock, of which will look natural enough. I read the part stating "heavy duty suction cups" and YEAH RITE :lol:

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:lol: :lol: Yeah just my luck and they will try and set up camp in there... ;) Actually they are right down the other end and have established a little home already... seems that being around the end of the tank I usually feed at.. go figure :lol:

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Nice African :hail: One Question where did you get your Large Vallisneria

After some myself?

I'm thinking of painting back of my tank Black to hide filter pipes

Also the fish colours seem to show a lot more also gives the impression of

an endless deep tank

Your setup looks great and I also like comps neat fish

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One Question where did you get your Large Vallisneria

After some myself?

cichfanatic - Sorry to get back so late.. I got some from a fish keeper in Welly, I will let him know you are after some if you like :D And see if he has some available, might purchase some more from him myself, I had some more floating ready to plant out in a holding tank with a few bristles and yes well, let's say the Vallis is going to have to grow back just a little :x :lol:

are those Julichromis Dickfeldi? un-real! i must have had another species of them that looked similar.....put 2 of them in my front tank and the next thing i found was all my fronts herded in one corner, not allowed out :lol:

They are J. marlieri :D Sounds like you may possibly have had J. transcriptus?, much more of an aggressive little torpedo than marlieri, I have found marlieri to be much more laid back and well behaved compared ;)

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