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Soon to get baby bristlenose


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I all in about 2 weeks I will be getting 2 small baby bristlenose Catfish and I was just wondering if you guys could give me some advice on the following things! I live on the Auckland North shore! :D

1)The best shop to get them from

2)Picking out good babies from the shop

3)The best food to buy

4)Where in the tank best to feed them

5)How to clean the tank with gravel cleaner without sucking them up! :-?

6)Anything else you think I should know

Thanks Hayley!! :hail:

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In regards to 5, I was very paranoid about this too, but its very hard to do. They normally just move out of the way.

I've been told, if you do suck them up, they will just stick themselves to the inside of the vacuum, and not actually go very far + its not powerful enough to pull them up, so they'd just fall back down like the gravel does.

You can just feed them vegies, like courgette and peas, you don't need to buy a commercial food. Make sure there is some driftwood in the tank for them to chew though.

There are heaps for sale on trademe, they're probably healthier than shop ones cos they won't have the stress of being moved about as much (And their 'parents' will have taken better care of them than certain pet stores.....)

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well animal lover if you want a couple i have a few hundred or so :o could spare a couple if you like :D

and even some albino catfish

all babies, but in good condition and ill tell you all you need to know bout them aswell ...pm me if your interested

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1. Any shop you like but often cheaper to buy from club members and private sellers

2. Good fry will be alert and active with erect fins and a straight body.

3. Best food would be bottom feeder pellets plus the occasional fresh veg liked cooked and shelled peas, zucchini or cucumber.

4. If you drop the pellets at the front (just before lights out) it gives you a chance to check they are OK

5. They do not generally get sucked up the siphon as they will move out of the way. If they do go up, net them out of the bucket and throw them back in the tank.

6. A gorgeous little fish, peaceful and a hood addition to any tank. Have some driftwood in the tank too as wood helps them digest their food (the pellets will have wood added to them too)

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Thanks all I you've been a great help :D My main worry with the water cleaning is that I dont want them to when they fall back in with the gravel they will get hit and injured or worse :( ! I will be getting some drift wood this coming weekend and have made a small cave for them!!! I will get some veges for them closer to getting them and will again talk to my parents about the extra plec pellets and maybe find a small thing (excuse the language couldn't think of the word) of it!!!

Thanks Hayley!!! :bounce:

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I dont want them to when they fall back in with the gravel they will get hit and injured or worse :( !

Hey animal_lover, they're pretty quick, and good at keeping away from gravel-vacs (and nets :wink: ) - you'll be fine :D

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Thanks guys I hope they will be OK :D Just one more thing! (I think :lol: )

Do I just introduce them to the tank how I would any other fish ie. Floating the bag, adding a little bit of tank water, net and release? :-? Do I just let them out of the net the same way I would any other fish or do I put them on or closer to the bottom of the tank??? :-?

Sorry for all the questions :oops:

Thanks Hayley :bounce:

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Nothing special. Float the bag for a while to let the temps equalise, mix the tank and bag water and let them swim out.

And predicting your first question after you let them go ;)

They will probably vanish under a rock within about 2 seconds and you wont see them for a couple of days - and thats normal too :)



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Probably safer doing it that way, but if there is something nasty in the water then your net and the fish themselves can transfer it anyway :cry:

It's just a risk you have to take when you get new fish really.



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Thanks I think I will net them if I can catch them :lol: I have heard they are really fast! Any ideas on easy ways or will I just have to be patient?

Anyway I hope I wont be too bad a mother to them and I will get them some plecy pellets, veges and some driftwood this weekend before getting them next weekend! :D

Thanks Hayley!!! :bounce:

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Ausome I will unnet them as a noramal fish and I will have to gather the family and get them to watch the cute little things!!! :D I seem to be the only one in my family that thinks they are cute :roll: Oh well maybe that will change thier minds!!! :lol:

Hayley :bounce:

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