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New Guppies


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Hi all

Yesturday I got my first tropical fish of 4 young male guppies! :bounce: (finally) But I have a few questions!

1)One of my guppies has a sort of a rip in his tail but it wasnt there yesturday so I would it be one of the other guppies or one of my plastic plants?

2)One of my red tailed guppies has a couple of white spots on his tail but I dont know if they were there yesturday or not! I have heard of White Spot and Fin rot but I dont know whether my fish has one of these or not. If he does then how do I cure him? I only got him yesturday!!!

Thanks in advance everyone for the advice! :)

P.S. I also have a post with these questions and others in the beginners sections so please help me with the other non-medical questions as well.

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1. Any fish with flowing fins will get a rip occasionally, quite possibly from the plastic plants too. They ought to heal on their own.

2. Any more spots shown up? 2 spots does not a whitespot make :wink:

If more spots show up on the body (looks like the fish has been sprinkled with salt) use a white spot cure. Raising the tank temp to 28C will hasten the process.

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Thanks Caryl :D I will watch them over the next couple of days and if they get any worse I will tell you! And like you said the little guppy seems to be going fine :bounce: but I just as a first time tropical fish keeper was a little worried :)

Thanks Hayley!!!

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I am extremely sad to say that one of my new guppies died today!! :cry: I was just wondering if any of you could tell me why this may have happened!!! I know casualties are inevidable espesially in a new tank but I have already in 4 days become attached to the little guys and I am apsolutely heart broken! My parents found him while I was at school and already got rid of him so I don't know exactly what he was like!!! He was the biggest out of all 4 of them and seemed fine until last night when I noticed he was swimming slower and didn't eat as much as normal I thought nothing of it until now!!! He was a beautiful longer tailed silver and black striped guppy and I already miss his Presence in the tank :( . Sorry about bothering you all with my sad story but I really want to know why he died so that I can save the others!!!

Thanks Hayley :cry:

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I don't know if this will help or not. 1. Sometimes fish are sick when you buy them but it takes a while to show up - up to 4 weeks. 2. The other fish may have been picking on him. 3. He may have died due to stress - this also can cause white spot. Sometimes just shifting tanks can do it. Do the fish still have white spots on them and if so more or less? The only thing I can really say is that guppies are pretty tough. If only one has died its probably nothing to worry about, but if anymore get sick/die, stop eating, swim funny/look strange, let us know.

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Also guppies like to have a bit of salt in the water, upto 1 tsp per 4.5ltrs.

Not everyone does this, it's a personal choice.

Try to have two females to one male, sometimes if you only got males they will start fighting. Or if too few females, the females never get a break.

I have been told guppies like the Ph around 7.2.

Have lots of plants and things in the tank, so if any do want some time out they can find some place to hide. Some guppies do like sleepong and sword plants at night.

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Thanks adodge :bow: I will watch the others very closely and will tell you if they show any other signs!!! :) The white spots I think are just part of the fishes colour (possibly, not 100% sure) because there are no more spots but they haven't gone away either and I dont think any of the other fish have any spots like his!!! :-?

And my mum says she thinks he was old to because he was bigger then the others and I was thinking maybe when he was given to the shop (or whatever happens :lol: ) he was from a previous spawn or was even the father to the others or something!!! What do you think??? Do you think maybe he was a bit older and the change between tanks kinda pushed him over the edge!!! Its such a shame as he was a beuatiful fish and I really liked him even though I had only had him for a couple of days!!! Like you said another possibility is the others bullying him but I think it is unlikely because they seemed to stay out of his way probably because he was bigger then them!!

Sorry for the long post!!! :oops:

Hayley :bounce:

Sorry jayci you entered your post thingy while I was typing mine but thanks anyway. I dont think I can put salt and stuffin an because of the other fish I want to put in the next couple of weeks but thanks any way!!! :D

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