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UV Sterilizers - any info ?


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I have come across some info about UV sterilizers on thet net and they advise thi may help keep water tip top for discus and help to reduce any bacteria outbreaks and gill flukes etc?

is anyone able to recommend these? are they worth it? do they work?

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I have a UV sterilizer on my household H2O supply because I live in the Country and have well water.

The water needs to be filtered to at least 5 microns for them to work properly so I am told. They do work well at killing live orgainisms under this size tho. including algae, fungus flagalates etc.

The bulbs are a little expensive but that depends on size and they need replaciing every year.



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There are critical factors for their satisfactory use including water clarity, temperature and flow rate. They will not remove the nutrients that are removed with water changes when keeping discus and they will only remove organisms going through the sterililizer not flukes in a fish's gills

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