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need some plz sick angel


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hi i got a angel that got some thing growing on it side and it seems to be getting bigger im not to sure what it is and how to fix it wood be good as it one of my frist fish i had it noew in a tank on it own i got some pics of u think u can help me and wood like to see the pics plz pm me with ur email addy and ill send u them as i can not work out how to but them on here . ty


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I've had really good result using the following:

Get some mercurochrome from somewhere. Its no longer sold as it contains mercury and is deemed dangerous to use on humans. It's perfectly safe on fish as they can cope with mercury.

Get some vasaline.

Get some cotton buds.

Open the mercurochrome and vasaline.

Open the cotton bud packet.

Wet a small clean towel with tank water and place it on a bench.

Catch the fish at take it to the bench.

Put the fish on the towel and partly cover it to stop it jumping about.

Clean the infected area with a cotton bud and throw away the used bud.

Dip a clean cotton bud in the mercurochrome and apply to the infected area.

Cover the infected area with a thin layer of vasaline.

Carry the fish back to the tank in the towel and gentle place back in the water.

The procedure need to be done in about 1.5-2 minutes. The fish will be ok during this time. The stress from catching it is short term and is overall less stressful than an infected wound.

I've had a better than 80% success rate with this method. Prior to that I lost nearly all the fish with this type of injury. Water treatment more often than not doesn't work as it doesn't stop fungus getting in before its too late. The method mentioned above works even if there is fungus as the mercurochrome kill it. The vasaline seals the wound much like a plaster and stops the fungus coming back.

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