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yep dimebag you have L226 or tiger panaque above thread is discussing it now i have seven of them and fishboi has 5 (looking for more )..anything you wanted to know about them in particular or just interested in the L number ,,there is a bit of info on planetcatfish but not much its a learn as you go thing at the moment

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sweet cheers for that na just wanted to know what they are.

pretty sure i bought them as l002 or l012 but cant really remember it was a while ago.

any easy way to sex them? only difference i can see between mine is one looks a bit more bristly, and has a bit of a whip on its tale. i sorta picked this as a male but really have no idea.

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yeah yr pretty right on that the male have what can only be described as bristles down the lower half of the body (from tail to dorsal fin ) not always seen but seen easily when caught it pays not to catch them in a net for this reason as they can get tangled easy but it is done you can if yr game catch them with yr hand and these bristles are easily felt females exhibit none of these bristles or very few in comparison also females are usually rounder when viewed from above thats the two main differences that i know others may have more also the males should show larger ventral fins ..(the ones that fan) for that very reason fanning of eggs this is true with most!! and i say most plecos esp ansistrus but this is a panaque so it may vary with this type

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yeah those are L226. very long short on why u bought them as L002 but in short thats what he sold them as to start with cuz he didn't know any better.

i bought my as L002 as well but i know it wasn't as soon as i saw them.

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Heya mr pleco mine mosey on out at anytime.. they love courgette but they mainly love meaty products, they get frozen cichlid mix, pleco tabs they seem to mow down, but I do notice they go nuts on mysis shrimp cubes, will hoe down any flake or spirulina that hits the bottom. But they frenzy out on the frozen cichlid mix the most which has krill base, spinach, etc

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oh ok thanks for the tip havent tried them on mysis shrimp but i do have some was gonna try whole shrimp tied down with lead i thought they were more meat eaters than veggy but everyone seems to be feeding theirs veggies ?? guess its a combination ive been trying both so i guess im on the right track

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