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What Does Everyone Feed Their Fish?


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Mine have got very fussy. Won't touch flakes anymore (except the Platys) so I tried granules and also freeze dried bloodworms but they won't have a bar of it. All they want to eat are the pellets I put down for the corys. Both the Tetras and Gouramis are just downright rude and shove the poor wee bottom dwellers out of the way. Disgusting little pigs really. What can I entice them with?

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I feed mine live bloodworm, live daphnia, live mosquito larvae, frozen bloodworms and a few different types of flake. My oscars and borneo tigers get frozen shrimp, three different types of cichlid sticks, freeze dried krill, freeze dried plankton and white cloud mountain minnows.

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Maybe try a different brand of flake. What do you feed yours at the moment?

Could be just a case of them liking the pellets more, joys of fussy fish :roll:

If you are worried about the corys throw a couple of pellets in an hour after dark. Or at feeding time, do your best to drop pellets into different parts of the tank.

Frenchy :D

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Cool ... ta for that. I'll try some variety as suggested. All except the mosquito larvae ... I have such a bad reaction to mossie bites that I simply can't do it! I just know one would hatch and find its way to my bedroom at night :lol:

I normally use Aqua One tropical flakes but I'll try some variety as suggested. I didn't know there was so much! Already tried peas but no-one would touch them and I had to vacuum them out again the next day!

Think I'll try the pellets after dark too coz those tetras divebomb the first three pellets that go in (they never reach the bottom) then the gouramis get the next two. So I drop some over the other side but by the time the pellets are soft enought for the corys the tetras have finished theirs and are on the loose again like sharks! They play rough!

I was scared they would choke trying to eat them before they got mushy but they haven't yet :-? Not sure that I would care now :D

I like your idea Caryl - starve the little blighters til they eat what they're given (used to work with the kids).

My fish definitely know me now and they greet me in the morning. The platys nibble at my fingers when doing water changes! So cute ... and rewarding

Anyhow thanks heaps - you all rock!

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