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Tropical fish in christchurch


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Hey guys im sure some others and i are wondering what people in christchurch are breeding at the moment ? And what you have for sale at the moment ?.And last but not please add in what your favourite fish is and why ? :P:P:P:D

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I can answer your first 2 questions relativly easily but there are far too many species of fish to choose a favourite. Probably why we have multiple tank syndrome so badly.

Our 2 pairs of angelfish have been popping out babies like crazy and the oldest spawn we have here are about ready to sell but they are still young so it will depend what they will be getting put with.

Also have a tank full of long fin blue danio fry which are about 3 weeks old.

We have a bit of an arrangement with a pet store here in Chch for selling our babies so don't usually advertise on trademe or here anymore. But if there is genuine interest and you are quick we can hold a few and will sell to anyone. We just usually want to move on the whole tankful in one go rather than trying to sell off babies individually.

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ok well

i have lots of batches of guppy fry :roll:

my wcmm breed for the first time last week :) (the parents ate the fry)

and i just got some kribs on the weekend so they might start breeding once there bigger :D

my fav fish... thats a hard one right now its kribs :wink:

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I Got lotsa Guppy fry (fish food:roll::o)

I also got angels that are laying eggs every so often, havnt had the chance to raise the fry but next time they spawn i will

And Starting up krib breeding now.

I got nothing for sale as yet but will be selling the kribs fry when they are old enough.

My favourite fish would have to be the Geophagus Surinamensis.

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I'm breeding bettas (siamese fighting fish). They are about 6 weeks old at the moment so will be at least a few weeks before they can be sexed and sold. I don't really have a favourite fish, but if I had to choose I think that bettas are my favourite at the moment. :D

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I've a few hundred odessa barb fry that are coming along nicely and loads of guppies.

Waiting for my angels to lay on the slate in the community tank, instead of the glass, filter tube etc....

Will separate my sailfin molly when she's ready to spawn.

As for favourite fish, probaby Lab. fullebornei http://www.flickr.com/photos/20157942@N00/400511054/

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Hi All;

I'll Take orders :P


I have four colours of Angel fry.

I have Apisto. Pandurini Fry,

I have Apisto. Mcmasteri fry.

I have Apisto viejita fry.

I have Kribensis fry.

I have Albino Kribensis fry.

I have Rosy Barb fry.

I have Odessa barb fry.

I have Black mollie young.

I have Cobra Guppy young.

I have Half Blue/ Redtail guppy young.

I have Pineapple Sword young.

I have Red Sword young.

I have Neon Sword young.

I have Green Sword young.

What I don't have is a spare tank for the Angel's that just spawned.


That is one Lonely "Silver Altum" Male (who lost his mate) and a Lonely old "Black Scalare" Female (who lost her mate) who were put in WHAT WAS a spare tank to pass away the time..... :roll:

NOT A GOOD MIX....But it could be interesting. 8)

Sorry Paul B. But I got a severe case of MTS as well..... :hail::hail:


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  • 6 months later...

I have breeding pairs of Red Turqoise Discus, Oscars, Blue Rams, Matto Grosso Plecs, and Royal Whips that regularly spawn, but I usually don't bother raising the fry because I don't want to have to find homes for all the fish - that said, I have a few baby Royal Whiptails that I'm growing out. My favourite fish is possibly the Oscars, but I'm not certain of that really - they are all cool :D





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I personally don't agree with your statement there tHEcONCH. i am not saying you are not entitled to your opinion just that i don't agree.

I have wanted kribensis for a very long time but for some reason didn't want to pay the prices they go for at pet stores (and likewise for many other dwarf cichlids which i am very attracted to) Thus when Wilson very kindly offered me some day old fry from his constantly spawning krib pair i jumped at the chance. I gave those wee krib fry a chance that they possibly wouldn't have had if they stayed in their own tank with mummy and daddy and i have had the rewarding experience to grow up my own kribs. I am more attached to these guys than i could be from store bought fellas cause i know that i put the work into raising them. It can be just as rewarding to raise fry to breeding. You would just be starting the cycle at a different stage that is all.

I can see this as being a bit like the chicken and egg story; which should come first? fry or adults? I doubt the killie club would work if everyone had that opinion.

My rant is over. :lol:

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I personally don't agree with your statement there tHEcONCH. i am not saying you are not entitled to your opinion just that i don't agree.

I have wanted kribensis for a very long time but for some reason didn't want to pay the prices they go for at pet stores (and likewise for many other dwarf cichlids which i am very attracted to) Thus when Wilson very kindly offered me some day old fry from his constantly spawning krib pair i jumped at the chance. I gave those wee krib fry a chance that they possibly wouldn't have had if they stayed in their own tank with mummy and daddy and i have had the rewarding experience to grow up my own kribs. I am more attached to these guys than i could be from store bought fellas cause i know that i put the work into raising them. It can be just as rewarding to raise fry to breeding. You would just be starting the cycle at a different stage that is all.

I can see this as being a bit like the chicken and egg story; which should come first? fry or adults? I doubt the killie club would work if everyone had that opinion.

My rant is over. :lol:

*ensure sense of humour is engaged before reading the following*

Nothing wrong with an alternative point of view - even if it is wrong :P

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Hey guys im sure some others and i are wondering what people in christchurch are breeding at the moment ? And what you have for sale at the moment ?.And last but not please add in what your favourite fish is and why ? :P:P:P:D

i am currently breeding



Penguin tetras




red jewels


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I personally don't agree with your statement there tHEcONCH. i am not saying you are not entitled to your opinion just that i don't agree.

I have wanted kribensis for a very long time but for some reason didn't want to pay the prices they go for at pet stores (and likewise for many other dwarf cichlids which i am very attracted to) Thus when Wilson very kindly offered me some day old fry from his constantly spawning krib pair i jumped at the chance. I gave those wee krib fry a chance that they possibly wouldn't have had if they stayed in their own tank with mummy and daddy and i have had the rewarding experience to grow up my own kribs. I am more attached to these guys than i could be from store bought fellas cause i know that i put the work into raising them. It can be just as rewarding to raise fry to breeding. You would just be starting the cycle at a different stage that is all.

I can see this as being a bit like the chicken and egg story; which should come first? fry or adults? I doubt the killie club would work if everyone had that opinion.

My rant is over. :lol:

Another thing occured to me over the weekend whilst bucketing water - having your fish spawn is the reward for all the hours spent cleaning, bucketing, watching, and generally working out how to provide the fish with what they need. If you just want to grow someone else's fry out, you may as well just by some from the local fish shop - most of the fish there are babies anyway, and you have a better chance of success because they have already made it to a certain size and are viable.

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