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Air Pump At Night


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Hi there, I have just finished setting up my first tank :D

The problem is that my air pump is quite noisy, would it be all right if I turned it off at night as it is fairly close to my bed.

Currently I have 9 White Cloud Mountain Minnows in it if that helps.

All in put welcome :)

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I personally say that would be ok but im no expert. I do that myself as i can hear it from my bedroom (its in the lounge) lol. I also do a water change and clean the stones weekly and my tank seems to stay good. Hope that helps :)

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Be careful disconnecting air even overnight.. Sometimes the fish actually rely on it and you can wake up to fish gasping at the surface and/or dead.. Ive had it happen a few times when spray bars from externals were my only source of airation and they slipped into the tank overnight.. Didn't loose any fish but it was close..

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Oh really that sucks, i turn mine off every night and have never had a problem in my life. In saying that i have alot of oxygen flowing in the day and my filter does create ripples so i wonder if that helps?? and ive never seem mine gasping. Im not sure..

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Yeah definately if the pump is running the form of filtration then definately a no no to turn it off, and yeah I myself have had the same thing happen a while back ryan on a grow out tank... I didn't have my spray bar running however, but I had the out take sitting so it hit the water surface, so it broke the surface, but it slipped off what I had it on and it went beneath and I came home to pretty unhappy chappies, naughty naughty, visually kicked my own butt for that one..

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Ok thanks everyone for your in put, the pump is just a standard separate air pump with a ball thingy on the end of it to make lots of bubbles :) The filter does not rely on the pump at all. The fish have been recently living without any air pumps in my smallish fish ball so at least for tonight I think they should be all right with without the air. Thanks again everyone

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Leave the filter on 24/7 (if its too noisy get a new one). You can turn off your airstone at night but check the fish in the morning, if they are gasping you may need to adjust your filters outlet or leave the airpump on all the time.

In one of my tanks i have a canister running and i put an airstone on during the day (dont need it but i still use it for a little extra kick) and i turn it off at night. None of the fish are hanging at the top in the morning so its safe to say in my case i have enough turnover/surface agitation.

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Hi Tsarmina, Its just a basic Elite 15 Stingray one which I got in this starters pack that I bought, came with free tank!!

So yes it is a hang on the back one.

Last night my wcmms' seemed absolutely fine without the air pump, also have to turn it off for feeding as the food floats around the top too fast for them to eat.

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Some confusion there.

An Elite 15 is an 'internal filter' that sticks on to the glass.

Hang on the back filters literally hang off the back of the aquarium, and are external. They actually pick the water up and dump it back in, thereby agitating the surface and oxygenating the water.

An internal filter (like an Elite 15) will provide oxygen if it is creating movement on the surface of the water. If the water isn't moving at the surface, then no oxygen is being added.

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