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Rainbow sharks..What do i need to know??


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I dont like them. Some owners manage to balance them in their aquarium with certain arrangements, but I just found them to be a pain in the butt, everything is theirs, and they're aimlessly territorial about it at times. They do eventaully get quite large too.

Different people have different experiences, but the only tank I'd put a red tail shark (or rainbow) in is one of my cichlids tanks, because if they try anything they'll get a quick reminder of whos who.

Would be fine with danios neons etc because they're quick fish, but gouramis, angels etc are a bit slow and once its settled in its likely to cause a problem, I've never had them with bristlenose or SAE etc.

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yea the neons and guppies are fine its just the d gouramis mine was fine for about 2 and a half months but now it is just getting more and more agressive mine is about 9-10 cm including tail he was about 6 including tail when i got him

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I can't see your sig so don't know what fish you have but I have a rainbow shark over a year old with 3 corys, 2 zebra loaches and a bunch of tetras. There is the occasional chasing but its very short, generally only to get them away from "his" food or out of his hidey hole.

I used to have one with gouramis and platys, didn't go so well as they were in a very small tank together (this was before I knew about overstocking :oops: )

They are really cool fish though. If you do decide to get one, make sure your tank is big enough as they can grow to about 15cm I think. And also make sure you put in lots of hiding places. Oh and also make sure it is a Rainbow Shark and not a Red-Tailed Shark (the ones with just the red tail). They are apparently more aggressive than the Rainbow Shark.

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