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killie compatible?


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What type of algae eating fish would be recommended to be put in a tank with Epiplatys Degati?

I read on here that BN's eat the eggs, is there an algae eater that doesn't or is less likely too?

Or would apple snails or ramshorns or other type of snail be better at eating algae but not eggs or plants?

I have no preferences at the mo, so open to all suggestions :)

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The tank has stones on the bottom with a few plants, a resin bell and a spawning mop. It is not a huge tank, i think the tank size is about 50cm x 30cm (?)

I am not worried about breeding them to get heaps of numbers and i have a seperate small tank for the eggs/babies (not sure how many are in there as i dont see the lil ones very often, there is stuff for them to hide in). I just would like to raise a few young every now and again for the interest/fun of it.

I check the spawning mop every now and again. Can usually tell if they are going to spawn, as their colours get really strong. Then when i check the mop that nite there are usually a few eggs there.

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I think you will be fine with a b/n in there.

As Epiplatys dageti is a true plant/mop spawner rather then a switch spawner like Aphyosemion's and Fundulopanchax, not to mention the babys are top level fish it would be very unlikely that you would loose many if any fry or eggs.

The more fine leaved stemmed plants( floating Indian fern works a treat aswell ) you have in the tank will in crease the egg and fry survival too.

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