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Hi from California here and have had a 40 gallon tank running for about 2 months now. I have 3 convicts (1pink convict, 2 black), 1 jelly bean parrot, 2 frontosas, 1 red oscar, 1 firemouth, 1 pleco, 1 red crayfish and 1 blue lobster (somehow my tiger oscar and black ghost knifefish are M.I.A) with no trace at all...is that possible?

For the first time, I noticed convict fry yesterday(coincidentally on my husbands birthday) and we're happy parents lol. I've already put up my 10g in our room but when should I transfer the fry and should I move the parents with them? sort of new to the hobby but hooked for life (even starting to rub off on my husband)!!! I love this site...

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Welcome to the forums :D

Sounds like you are getting majorly hooked! ;) Are you going to upgrade your size tank at any stage as you sure have some large size family members in that tank ;):D

I would transfer the fry as soon as you can really, convict parents can cut up rather nasty more so when the fry start to travel around the tank more.. usually very good parents and very protective.. How do your Frons get on with the tank mates?

And your lobster and cray wouldn't have anything to do with your missing fish would they?

Anyway, glad ya joined the forums and congrats on being first time fish parents :D

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Oh, yeah I'm definently ugrading my tank size in the future(near future from the looks of it already)! My red oscar was the newst addition to the tank but he is a monster!! He's already outgrown my pink convict! I decided to remove ALLthe other fish because I was starting to feel a little sorry for them (they all took a pretty good bruising from the convicts).

I have assumed the lobster and cray were responsible for the missing fish because I can't think of a faster disposal team other than them :( lol

Thank you guys for the warm welcome!! I appreciate all the advice!!

P.S Billaney your fish are beautiful. Wish I could have discus!

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