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strange things your fish do


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i have a geo surinamensis that likes to cover a little bridge in the tank with stones, then uncover it, then dig pits around it to make the bridge fall over, then fill the holes back in. he also gets angry at any java moss that floats into his digging space, grabs it & relocates it :lol:

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haha awesome

Most fun we have with our fish is the oscars. We rearrange the large rocks in their tank and move stuff around. They pack a fit and start digging holes, testing out new caves, trying to push slate rocks / boulders they dont like. Cracks me up.

We also had a green severum (RIP) who hated heaters, he'd pull them off the side of the tank, bite them, wack them, and try to cover them in stones.

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We also had a green severum (RIP) who hated heaters, he'd pull them off the side of the tank, bite them, wack them, and try to cover them in stones

ha that is classic.

I have a false algae eater that will bury himself up to half his body length into the gravel. His tank is in the hallway and you can hear him from the lounge digging around in the stones.

I used to have a harlequin that thought it was his job to guard the front glass of the tank just before bedtime. he would chase away anyone that came near. We called him La Guardian.

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haha you guys have cool fish, my geo digs holes, it piks up the gravel and piles it at the bak of the tank it used to pik the gravel up from 1 side of the tank and pile it up on the other it had moved so much gravel at one point when i was at work that all the gravel was on one side and the other half of the tank was bare lol now it just digs big pits lol http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/6-vt16 ... l?start=75 thats it in the bakground on this page thats the small pit his dug and the gravel layer is 4 inches lol

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iv got a golden zebra loach that likes to go as far as possible in to a crack underneath the bog wood

and a pleco that eats food of the surface of the water

nothing really funny tho, except the time when my 2 zebra loaches starting swimming around in circles (back flips)

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my coolies like to chase the shark round in circles or rather bug him till he chases them by invading his cave hed chase them round the cave till

the swam into a small hole did it till he caught them man their fast when they get a fright. :D

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my Oscar probably provides the most amusement. As we speak he is waging a war on one particular plastic plant, hes spent the last few days angry as hell (flaring, changing colours) attempting to ram it. It seems its the plants fault when hes goes straight thru it :lol: He also has a terracotta pot he has managed to move great distances (up and over a piece of driftwood) that also gets a good bite/tail slap just for good measure when it looks at him wrong :lol: His all time favourite hate is the white teddy bear, im not sure what exactly he hates about it but if its anywhere near his tank and he can see it he will spend many hours attempting to get to it.

Other than that my discus peck at my freckles on my arm sometimes and my axolotls bite my cats tails/noses when they are on top of their tank

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I've got a black phantom tetra that I call Psycho. He's the sole survivor of a school and has been alone for nearly 2 years. He ignores every other fish in the tank, except 6 months ago we added 4 new tetra (exact species unknown, but look vaguely like Psycho, except they are not transparent and are now much bigger). Psycho has taken their presence as a personal insult and spends every hour of every day trying to intimidate the 'invadors' by fluffing, puffing, and eyeballing them. They just pretend he's not there! It's comical in the way they seem to deliberately avoid getting into a punch-up without actually acknowledging his existance. Especially now that they're twice his mass!

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