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Boo hoo my girl died!


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Have 2 x male dwarf gourami. and had 1 x female. they had been egg laying furiously when in the cichlid tank. I move them to a tank of their own, and they hadn't been doing anything.....until 2 days ago. Bubble nests in both corners of the tank. Then this morning I find my poor wee female dead, still full of eggs I think. I carefully removed the bubble nests and put them into a fry tank. I have some fry, but I'm still bummed about the female dying. If anyone has some females they want to sell please let me know. Hope I manage to keep these fry alive!

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Really sorry to hear about your female. This is too late now but if you try to breed again you need to get the female out of the tank asap as generally hell has no fury as a male that has finished spawning and is trying to look after eggs while the female is still in the same small tank. Otherwise make sure there is a corner area full of plants and a rock for her to hide behind or under. Can use artificial plants or real but make it quite dense.

You can tell when spawning is finished because the male chases the female away to the corner and its quite different to the flaring and chasing that goes on during the spawning process.

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Thanks everyone.

adodge - yeah I have had them spawn before but wasn't set up to look after the fry so nature took its course last time. They are actually in a really big tank so there is enough room for 2 males to have nest territories and alot of plant hiding room for the female. As far as I knew the boys were being good dad';s looking after their nests miles away from where the female hung out.

Oh well next time, and there will be a next time because I really like dwarf gouramis they have such neat personalities, I will make sure I have 2 or more females.

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