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tank mates for malawis


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Hi gurus

I am wanting to get rid of a smaller tank that currently houses my bristlenose family.

Can I put these guys in with my malawis? I have 4 adults and a few teens.

I also have a couple of kuhli loaches about 8cm long. They are really cool little beasties and I dont want to get rid of them if I could comfortably keep them with the malawis as well :-?

Many thanks in advance :D

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Rather a few people keep Bristles in with Malawis, however I don't, different water parameters.. etc.. Rather a few that I have read on other forums also have had the odd ocassion where the Malawis have been digging nesting pits, and the rocks have shifted and squashed the Bristles, however I have had this happen to a fish, so it's a case of just bad luck. Also have heard cases of Malawis picking on Bristles.. (would definately watch the teens) what sort of Malawi do you keep?

However, I do have a Leopard Spot Pleco in my Malawi Tank, and he tolerates the water conditions rather well, however, guess we built him up to that, yet in saying that, I think the larger species of pleco always seem to be more robust IMO :D

Kuhlis I would definately avoid putting in with Malawis, they can be a nasty little lot, when there is feeding frenzy... I know what mine have been like when I have thrown the odd garden worm in there, I am sure you could get the same effect putting a kuhli in there :o

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ooooooohhh, :o didnt think of the whole garden worm scenario. That could have been messy. Lots of tears before bedtime me thinks. Ok then, looks like the khulis will be moving on soon :cry:

Everyone in my tank came from Ryan before he buggered off to Bulls :evil: Theres a few yellows, some OB's and dont ask me to identify anybody else :oops:

I have about 15 of them in a 180 litre and they are getting huge. I need a few more bits and pieces and I will be setting up my 8ft for them 8) Then Im going shopping!!!! :P

And I think the big E.yellow female has a mouthful of babies coz shes gone all puffy through her jaw but I wouldnt have the first idea on how to strip them. I have read the forums but dont have any idea how to actually do it :oops: She is still quite fat as she is eating

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:lol: :lol: Yeah it could have been garden worm scenario :o:D

Ooooooo bet ya can't wait till your 8fter is set up! Fun Fun :D You will notice if your electric yellow is holding, she will go a bit dark around her lower jaw area as it gets bigger... with fry growing.. we have strip the odd female if she holds a little too long, but luckily my girls spit not long after they are shifted to their new maternity tank :D

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yeh, her jaw is huge and about as black as road tarseal :o I thought I saw a baby something in the tank at the last water change but it was snapped up by mr greedy as I went in for a closer look.

She has been getting a pregressively bigger jaw now for about 3 weeks. What do I do if she doesnt spit them out?

And yep, cant wait for the BIG tank

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I would suggest stripping her... there is good info on the net on how to strip, I know it is nerve racking the first time stripping :lol: I grab a end of a pen (not clicked in) and gently open the females mouth and face her downwards so the fry slowly slip out, some use airline tubing.. works wonders :D Or for small females like Demasoni etc alot use paperclips.. sounds frightening, but once you get the hang of it, it's fine, just pays not to muck around and get it over and done with as quick as you can :D

Luckily we haven't had to do it much at all... it's not my fav thing :lol:

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You could always put her into a holding tank and let her spit them in her own time. just put a few rocks inside so the fry can hide incase mum gets abit hungry.

Farmchick, if you want leasons on stripping fish you can pop over and practise on some of my fish. Have so many females holding that they just spit in their own tanks. Thinking about it I had Cameron having a go the over week.

Iam a Westie to so guess you not to far away :)

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It's good when you have girls that spit when they are shifted to their own tanks.. takes the heat off having to strip, I don't mind stripping but so much easier when they spit themselves.. however in some cases, some females hold on so long and they do start dropping condition... luckily haven't had that happen here as they spit in a good time, won't say we never will tho :roll: :lol:

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Farmchick, if you want leasons on stripping fish you can pop over and practise on some of my fish. Have so many females holding that they just spit in their own tanks. Thinking about it I had Cameron having a go the over week.

Iam a Westie to so guess you not to far away :)

Thanks Johannes, that link is very cool, they make it look very easy. Im scared Im gunna squeeze her too hard :o

Thanks heaps for the offer Tropheus, I might take you up on it :P

How long do I leave her for before I absolutely HAVE to do it?

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You will know, when she starts to look a bit worn out and losing condition usually... some just worry to much about being mother than about themselves.. :roll: :lol: is her weight holding up ok???

She has been holding 3 weeks plus? If she is bulging all over the place I would strip her if shes refusing to release them :D

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She has been holding for at least 3 weeks now and thats just since I noticed her :oops: Her weights not too bad, she is lighter than anyone else in the tank but I wouldnt call her skinny (yet). She is still eating but not as much as she used to

Unfortunately, I dont have a smaller tank available for her as I got rid of them all in preparation for the big tank. I was going to put them in a breeding net in the main tank. Or is this a bad idea?

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I would strip her definately, she sounds like she is going to be one of those "holders" :D :roll: :lol: Wouldn't pay for her to drop too much condition as she is then only going to have to find it again, and if she is still in the big tank, sometimes once they lose a batch as in spat or stripped they breed again soon after that. I have Johanni and I had a female who would constantly hold a batch, non stop :roll: Even tho once I would take her out, she would spit them (around the 2 week mark) I would put her back in the tank, next thing hello shes got another cropful... This happened alot.. and after a while she started dropping condition through breeding all the time, so she got put in a tank of her own for a rest and a holiday to take 10.. :lol:

In a breeding net is fine for a few days till you suss something, however depending on how many you end up with? A couple of days wouldn't hurt till you find something else to put them in :D

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I have had fish in the fine net ones.. The fish dont fit through it but they do get killed as the bigger fish try to eat them crushing them against the net..

ANd how are your fish farmchick? did the 8ft for your sister go alright?

The tank is great Ryan. Everybody is in and way more active. The clown loach is out ALL the time now. Now we need to find a space for my 8ft and we should be good.

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