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WTB Trichopsis pumila


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Aqua Fever in Hastings have some, they have come down remarkably in price since I bought my first ones, and there seem to be more available than there was a year or so ago.

I have bred the odd one or two in my community tank, but not enough to sell.

They must be on the wholesalers lists, see if your LFS can get them in for you.

I am still hanging out for some Licorice Gourami, Parosphromenus deissneri. Seen them once in the shops, nine months ago, and never seen them since.

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So long as my memory serves correct these fish have the common name "sparkling gourami" that being the case there was a whole lot at Hollywood Frost rd the other day. Reasonably priced too, around $7. I tried to talk my wife in to leeting me buy some but to no avail - they might just end up being yours.

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