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News about the new Galaxy rasbora


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This is pretty sad :(


This is the part of the hobby that I find it had to reconcile with - I LOVE keeping fish and try to always breed my fish as well as buy from fish breeders instead of buying wild caught fish. But as we all know this isn't always possible...

I know several people who have bought these little dudes and I'm sure the people (I know) who have them have more than enough talent to breed them which is great, but its still a thin line :(

Any comments guys?

Just so you know I'm NOT trying to point the finger as I think we have all (including myself) added to this problem but I think it’s important not to forget what we are doing to our planet...

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I read this the article this morning and was waiting to see if anyone else would... I have some of these Rasboras and after reading that article I have put them in a species tank and will try to breed them. It is very disappointing what has happened to them in the wild! If as the article says, it is pretty easy to breed these fish then I don't see why anymore wild specimens need to be caught? Breeding from the ones already in the aquarium trade should be strongly encouraged IMO.

I believe the rasboras I bought may have been aquarium bred because they were smaller and less colourful when I bought them but now have grown considerably and are fully coloured. I could be wrong though?!

On a sidenote, it is alarming how many fish are wild caught these days? I never realised how prevalent it was until recently. I assumed that most fish were bred from initially wild fish and ongoing captive stock, then onsold to retailers.

But it can be hard to identify fish that are wild caught. I recently bought an Aspidoras Pauciraradiatus at a pet shop and later found out that it was wild caught. I wasn't told when I bought it and it wasn't written on the tank (most wild specimen's have it written next to their names).

Mel :)

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Do you think we (FNZAS) could encourage retailers nationally to always mark 'wild caught/bred in captivity' on ALL fish sold? It would certainly help us all to support breeding fish and maybe do our bit to curb catching fish from the wild... Although I realise that lots of really common fish are only wild caught (clown loaches I think?!?!)

Does anyone who works in a pet shop have any idea's comments on this?

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The problem being is, the last lot of Wild Caughts that came through from a supplier, only some were wild caught and some were actually captive bred.. yet they all came in on the "Wild Caught" consignment... so... even the retailers and suppliers are limited with fact or knowledge with what is ACTUALLY wild caught and what's not....

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Hmmm... I see what you mean that sounds a bit messy... but if we 'encouraged' the importers to pass on more info I'm sure it would be possible... PFK (mag. that the link came from) did a campaign a few years back trying to stop the retailers in the UK from selling dyed fish;

http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... p?news=174

This worked VERY well and I'm sure a similar scheme would encourage retailers to demand more info from the importers, the fish can't go through more than half a dozen people before getting here so there must be some way to make the info more available...


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