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urgent help needed


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i have just noticed one of my pictus cats has an open wound on her side & has a small bit of gut poking out, im guessing she tried pushing through a gap in the rocks that was too small & has scraped herself up as the is a mark on the other side of her belly too. is there anything i can do to save her?? she is still swimming around but is all over the tank, going from top to bottom alot. any help would be great.

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well i think its gut :( its a small bit of pink stuff poking out & its turning a light brown colour. so whats the best way to put it down?? sounds mean but i usually flush fish, but that only little ones like guppies.

put the fish on a wooden surface and hit the head with a mullet or something similar or use a knife and stab into head behind the eye and twist (if the fish still moves then just whack it)

post a pic so we can determine whats poking out

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I agree with fishboi, Melafix might just do the trick, I remember seeing a picture of an Oscar that I would have sworn was on it's last fins.... It was ripped to pieces.. amazing what Melafix did in 5 days, after seeing those pics, I wouldn't be too hasty in putting it down.. You can only but try :D

Good Luck! :D

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Melafix should be fine, I did some quick reading on the net and others overseas have used Melafix with Pictus, and hopefully your cat will be fine and dandy enough to come right :D Melafix promotes healthy tissue regrowth, specifically for healing wounds..

Some choose to use a salt bath, which is another option, however, I have never had to use this method..

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if you cant handle the more brutal methods of putting a fish out of its misery clove oil is used to put them to sleep painlessly (OD it enough and it will do the whole job) then you can either freeze them or dispose of them another way.

many people use clove oil to put puffers to sleep so they can trim their teeth

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