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Flourish excell


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i need to know if this will cause issues with any of the fish listed below.

black ghost knife




chinese algae eaters

peppered corys

sword tails

rosy barbs

tetra: buenos aires, pristella, black widow, serpae, neon, glowlight.


:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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i am confused between flourish excel and the normal flourish. which one should be get just for regular dosing? i thought excel is a carbonate supplement if used in conjunction with Co2 injection is useful for getting rid of algae problem. NOrmal flourish is actually what we need to feed the plants?

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Tsarmina, What sort of algae? I had a serious brush algae problem in one of my tanks, used single dose of "excell" for about a week, introduced a young "Flying fox", algae gone in just over a week. Still don't know if it was the "excell" or the algae eater, or a combination of both!!!

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I got it out of my tank with a combination of water changes to reduce nutrient, flourish excell to promote plant growth and strip nutrient. This combination is an expensive catch 22 situation so in the end I left the lighting the same, added flourish excell at the normal rate and did about 50% water changes every 3-4 days. I just ignored the instructions and dosed at the normal rate you would without water changes. My guppies got suicidal at the higher application rates. Took time but it worked. My tank is heavily planted.

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