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Aqua One CF1200 Filter - Leaky Taps

The Great White Hand

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Set up my new CF1200 in the AR980 (shoe-horned it in). Got in running just fine then realised that the taps into and out of the canister were leaking, no leaks in the pipes which I joined. Definitely coming from the taps themselves.

Any ideas? Has any one else encountered this?

Regards, TGWH

I'll stop posting once I've got this damn thing set-up right! And the tank after that and the tank after that.......................

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You mean where the rotating bits come out of the top of the filter? The parts that come attached and don't detach? Funny, I had the same prob with a CF1200 I had for a few weeks. I just switched the hoses around and it fixed it. No idea why, but I tested it over and over and when the hoses were attached to the taps one way it'd leak and not the other...

Try switching the hoses around. I suppose te new filter isn't a secret now that you're running around with towels and buckets, aye?

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Also check just inside the tap

these taps are prone to breaking just by alittle ovet tightening

remove the tap from the canister and look into it

the small balc centre bit should nearly reach the end of the tap and there should be and Oring right then about 4 mm in

What i have found is the tap snaps at the Oring and comes off and the tap leaks

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Thank you for taking the time to provide valuable advice! :bow::bow:

I'll approach the beast again today. I'm doing a lot of painting with enamel in our bedroom, so I'm trying to keep my paint, turps and sugar soap covered great white hand out of the tank.

Blue& Kim, yes no secret anymore, thats why I'm painting the bedroom. I did also use the "break-up in a public place" strategy, by opening the cabinet to show a group of friends the new filter, all my wife could say was "I didn't know we had one of those". I know I'm gutless!

Regards, TGWH

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Hi folks

Leaking taps problem fixed! I tried a few things to no avail on this occasion. John from "Organism" ( to all CHCH fishkeepers, this is a must go LFS) gave me some new taps and away it went.

Will need to rearrange a few plants to cope with the flow (2000lt/ph wet/dry, 1200lt/ph CF1200, 400lt/ph Fluval 2 plus) Will pull the Fluval 2 out in a week or so. Need to work on managing the flow in the tank for fish comfort, harlequins in particular seem to love getting in the current.

I'm getting closer to Discus all the time, the "Discus Haven" banner is taunting me!

Kind Regards, TGWH

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi tgwh

i just set up my new cf1200 todat, awsome filter but, same as you, leaky tap, its not comming from the thread any where but directly from the shut off valve itself, the grey pieces

is this the same situ that you had, also can it only be fixed by replacement.i hope not as it my first cannister filter, first time its been connected and no one any near wanganui even sells them.

any1? help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hi supasi

I don't know whether it was the new taps or not but I played with the connectors quite a bit and couldn't fix it!

Sorry all I can suggest is to go back to the seller, If they have any integrity and value your custom, they'll get you some new taps ASAP, if they have another one in stock, then they'll be able to get them instantly. Tell them there are other instances of leaky taps, they and the Aqua One distributors should want to know!

I see from your other thread you got the filter off TM, If those guys want to protect their ratings, then I'm sure they,ll do something for you. If you don't receive a fast, positive response let this forum know!

Good luck, it will be brilliant when you have it up and running!

Regards, TGWH

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