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Wrestling chocolates


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Oh awesome :D

I have a breeding pair of these guys.. bred for me and had great success.. they often lip lock before spawning... a southerly or a good water change gets these guys ticking with spawning, or change of tank has done the trick..

Be careful!!! The male will bash the heck out of her, so keep an eye, they can turn real nasty at a flick of a switch...

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I usually trigger mine, well that's how it has been in the past with my two, have since lent my breeding pair out to a friend to see if he can get them going, still no luck

There were two more pairs of Chocs around these parts and they have never done anything either...

They actually aren't classed as "easy" to breed.

How big are they now Wok? It's been how long since you got them off me? Time flies :lol:

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Afrikan, My chocolates are around 15-20cm at the moment

had to seperate one large male from the rest cause he was too much of a bully, now liviing with 4 medium sized jags and 2 gold severums.

did do some large water changes.... but still nothing. :x

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The spawnings I got, I did water changes and pumped live food (earth worms) through them, also soft water :)

They can be a very highly agressive cichlid, placid with others, but the males have been known to kill their females throughtout the spawning process. I had my male try to kill her the once, turned my back for 30 mins and came back inside and found her bashed up.. Sometimes a divider is needed for breeding, however, I haven't had to so far, I just took the female out to patch her and he accepted her back again without agression. Both times of spawning they have spawned on a terracotta pot, they don't seem to like the slate. (however that could just be my pair)

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