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outdoor plants


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Does any one knows which plants are suitable for outdoor pong in NZ climate? any plant name for suggestion?

will they be the same in the north as it is in the south?

can hygrophilia polysperma, ambulia or indica rotala be able to sustain the cold weather? :lol: :lol: :lol:


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it was one of the questions post to me from trademe.

i suppose i should say that ambulia, polysperma and indica would not survive in the winter. but i am not totally sure.

i am in AUckland. i think at night the temp drop to 10 degree.

but i have also heard that some of the member had had their plant growing in the pond.

any care to share their experience? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I know a guy who grows all three in an unheated glasshouse in Christchurch and they all all die off in the winter. They probably will not grow but might survive the winter in Auckland. Some plants will die off in winter but come away again from the roots in spring. Polysperma will if emersed but I don't know about submersed as it may rot. There are a lot of these plants sold by nurseries down here which would be realy struggling for most of the year. The easy answer would be that they are tropical plants---take the risk if you want.

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so, it is not a questions about temperature but the up keeping of the water condition.


tropical spec says temperature from 15 degree.

i bet the temperature in the stream is below 10 degree especially during the winter.

i wonder if it is seasonal. they wither in the winter and grow again in the spring. Hm... :o:o:o

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so, it is not a questions about temperature but the up keeping of the water condition.

tropical spec says temperature from 15 degree.

i bet the temperature in the stream is below 10 degree especially during the winter.

i wonder if it is seasonal. they wither in the winter and grow again in the spring. Hm... :o:o:o

i believe so, i have Eleocharis acicularis thriving in my main pond which drops to around 8 during winter.

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