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African cichlids


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Seems like heaps of people are into Africans, so thought I try and see whose got what.

I've got the following: Leleupi, Aurora, Bumblebees, Auratus, Rainbows, Electric yellows, Dolphins, Ice blue zebras, Daffodils, Kenyi, Buffalos, Socolofi and Johanni.

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And I guess I should post what we have in the way of africans..

Lelupi, Pulchers, yellows, ice blue zeb's, red zeb's, ob zebs, powder blues, socoloffi, johanni, peacocks - red shoulder, ob's, dragons bloods, maleri reds and chilumba, electras, lionheads, demasoni, ahli's, tropheus dubusi, kadango's, giraffes, bumblebee's and im sure ive forgotten some..

If anyone has anything we dont have for sale please PM me :)

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Kribs are from Nigeria region (Africa)... 8)

We keep both Malawi and Tanganyikan..

Marleri Red Peacock

Yellow Nyasa Peacock

Royal Blue Nyasa Peacock

Rubin Red Peacock

Dragon Blood Peacock

Red Kandango

Giraffe Haps

Blue Dolphin

Malawi Eye Biter

Sulphur Crested Cichlid

Electric Blue fryeri

Electric Yellows

Ps. Demasoni

Ps. Kenyi



Julidochromis transcriptus

Julidochromis marlieri

Daffodil Pulcher



Altolamprologus compressicep

Non Lake

Lionhead Cichlid

That's about it off the top of my head

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ok I got

e. yellows

melanochromis cyanerhabdos

scaenochromis ahli

greshakei (ice blue zebra)

Ob Zebra

Orange Zeb.

Blue Zeb.


Scaenochromis fryeri







I think that's all, i probably forgot something :)

*I knew it - I have 9 giraffes/venustus, bricardi and 1 lelupi (the latter 2 are for sale if anyone is interested :)

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