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Is strength an issue?

Aquarium Dude

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Working on my new mdf stand and was wondering if it needs something across the front, its for a 450l 5.5' tank and has 4 uprights spaced evenly across its length with an 18mm back (inside top, sides and bottom, so its really strong).

The thing is that there isnt much support across the front and it does bow a wee bit under 60kg of weight (right at the front in between 2 uprights.

I was thinking I could put a rail across the front to help. Also do you thing 4 uprights is enough or should I put in an extra 3.

Ps. Its all 18mm mdf

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A picture would be great.

Ive got 3 setups which are like cabinets made from mdf which hold either 3 or 4 tanks which are stacked above each other running to sumps etc, theyre ok but the shleves were the tank/s sit on have warped and I had to put some supports across under the shelve to stop this/support them.

I bought them complete so had to make do, but in future if I make anything id never use mdf and if I did i would support it with something much stronger as in time it tends to warp IMO.

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Hubby is a cabinet maker by trade.. he said that he would have made an internal framing out of 4 x 2 and would have clad with MDF.. That is a pretty big tank, you have to take into count, tank weight, stones, water etc...It is an overall strength issue and that is a bit of a worry that there is a slight bow with 60kg.. That's just how he would have done it. Ideally you want the tank sitting dead flat, poly underneath is a good thing.

Are you going to seal the MDF? The problem MDF has is if getting wet and swelling which in turn will weaken your joins etc..


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i would recommend extra front supports. Im a cabinet maker also & its all about transferring the load to the floor (better make sure the floor will handle 500+ kg) by having base on the floor, verticle supports that push down on top of the base (not like a kitchen cabinet where the ends do not sit on top of the base) & a top or shelf that sits on top of verticle supports. Add some bracing to prevent the verticles from bowing & you'll be fine. I recommend glueing & screwing the panels together, these will not support any real weight as it is transferred from the top through the verticles, through the base & onto the floor. Hope this all makes sense.


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I made it with the two ends right down to the concreter floor, then a base in between the two ends with the other 2 uprights on it, though will add a rail across the front and 2 more uprights hard against the end 2 to support the rail. so i suppose really that it is going through the base.

All mdf is glued and screwed and joins are strong type (top is on top of uprights so that the upright would have to fail to make the top cave in, as opposed to the top being screwed to the side of the uprights, which would be asking for trouble)

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Yea your right its actually 600ish

Water Type..............................Freshwater


Tank Overhead Shape.....................Rectangular

Length..................................65.00 in.

Width...................................22.50 in.

Height..................................20.00 in.

Wall-thickness..........................0.40 in.

Volume..................................479.32 L

Tank Material Weight....................86.32 kgf

Water Volume............................448.74 L

Water Weight............................447.44 kgf

Substrate Type..........................Sand

Average Substrate Depth.................2.00 in.

Substrate Weight........................70.66 kgf

Approximate Total Weight................604.42 kgf

Room Air Temperature....................14.00 °C

Water Temperature.......................24.50 °C

Heating Capability Required.............298.70 W

Approx. Total Fish Length...............121.87 in.

Mass Required for 1 PPM.................0.00 kg

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