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Help........I think my fish went mad


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This is really weird I know, but last night, just as we were about to head to bed, all my angels in the tank went mad. Flyin around the tank, wackin into things, jumpin and just really loosin the plot. They then all looked as if they were goin to die. In our panic, thinkin that something had happened, we checked for heater cracks, or anything that may course shock, everything seemed ok. After about 30 mins, and all the fish looking like they were goin to die, we added some stress coat, and did a bit of a water change. They seem to slowly come right. This mornin they are acting normal.

WHAT HAPPENED?????? Why did they do this????

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If a heater breaks in a tank, it is to the fish, like a bird, sitting on a power line

They don't feel it.

But when earthling comes along, is earthed, he completes the circuit. ZAPPP

I once had a bright idea of killing snails in a tank.

Put one electrode south, one north, and turned on the power.

It was suposed to be 12 volts, I reaconed that if 12 would kill'em 240 would be that much better.

Worked well, but not sure if it was the current or the vertigris that killed the snails, ( is that what you call copper as it oxidises, green stuff).

It also killed my synodontus.

They were the first fish to die so removed the lethal trap.

Sometimes I wonder at my stupidity.


ps. that was way back last century by the way.


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i was reading up somewhere that catfish communicate through electric 'clicks' and signals etc... always wanted to attach an oscilloscope to the tank and see how they react to food, fingers, large plastic lobsters etc...

my gourami go nuts sometimes and crash into the ends of the tank - they come out with some quite nasty bruises too...

usual cause is someone opening the bathroom door, which is at the other end of the house through a couple of concrete walls - i have no idea why at all unless the door causes some vibrations on a level i can't perceive.

The last time everyone in the tank bolted (except the lazy plecs) was during a thunderstorm that caused the lights to flicker - again, electrical.

they also don't like it when people shine lazer pointers into the tank - high-frequency somewhat-electrical concentration of light?

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A bit off topic - but adding to Dark's comment about electrical communication and oscilloscopes - I've seen this sort of setup with an Elephant nose during a uni open day - unforunately there was no conveniently placed plastic lobster to guage a reaction. Could also be interesting to see if fish can recognise the containers with their favourite food.

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Hubby has just found a new game to exercise fish. My poodle loves chasing the red laser light thingy around the floor and by accident he pointed it at the tank. All of a sudden all the tiny angels in the tank were chasing it around. He thinks it is a great game and I think they do to. These are the only ones in there that take any notice (about 6 of them play the game). I hope it doesnt hurt them in anyway! :o

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I know my fish know that I am the one that feeds them. My partner and boys can walk over to the tank, they take no notice. I can just be gettin up out of the chair, and they are runnin to the front of the tank, with there little mouth yellin "FEED ME, FEED ME".............lol........who said fish only have 3 second brains????

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