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Not Happy


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Alan - You don't understand really. At least they have someone who cares. I spend Christmas by myself. I don't care for New Years as a result. I don't have the money to buy things which aren't what they said they are. This was going to be a hobby for me to keep me going through this month. How am I meant to have a merry Christmas, if I'm bitter about everyone's doing things with their family and I have no family really to do anything with?

Christmas is just another day for me. And I want to know what I can do about my tank.

Yeah, probably going to be snapped at for that one, with you being a mod and all. But there is no "reason for the season" for me.

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don't worry jasmine I am in the same boat- I am 100% out of cash, and my family is away in Europe for christmas without me... The solution is to go to all your friends family's christmas breakfasts, lunches, dinners, afternoon tea's, suppers etc. I am scheduled in with 5 different families this christmas- just think of the food!!! It sucks about your fishtank, have they emailed back yet?

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No, just that reply to my feedback. It looks like she's not planning on doing anything to help.

I was originally meant to go to one of my friends for Xmas, but it was called off today, which is another reason why I'm in a bit of a mood. I just make it so Christmas is just another day and try to forget about it, hard though with all the hype on the radio, TV etc. Fish are quite relaxing though, I wasn't expecting this issue to happen!

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Hey Jazzy, I'm in about the same boat as you.

I'm a brand new Superann, and just as of today the kids have changed their chrissie plans, and we aren't there, so it will just be me and Rose have waffles with golden syrup, cream and lemon juice.

Bitterness is a wasted emotion, and even if I am a mod I don't hold it against you, but at least there are some in here feeling for you.

TRY and have a happy day tomorrow and the next one and the next one etc.

By the way, what is the link to her feedbacks. :evil: :wink:

Alan 104

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Haha, Alan. I'm just sick of hearing all this stuff like "have a happy holiday" and all that. I wasn't mean to snap at you or anything, but this tank was going to be my project, I originally wanted a tank over 120cm, and thought it was great I won a 140cm one. And then to be told not to worry...

As for the feedback, I'm not one to tell, but let's just say I posted the link to the auction further up this thread...

I might list the tank for sale now. Hopefully I can make at least what I spent back but it may be a bit doubtful considering the tank's a whole 36cm shorter than what I paid for. However, someone said they can make a brand new tank the same dimensions for $140 for me. I'll just need to wait till January to have that money though really, and hopefully I will have the money then. But that blows my December project. Oh well. It's going to be a long term thing so why not be completely happy with the tank?

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There's no point getting down about if lifes to short, xmas is not all good for alot of ppl infact it causes alot of troubles for many but ya cant think like that, if you focus on the positive things and not the negatives life soon will get better and you will feal better about it, after all aslong as your happy what more can 1 ask for in life!

big smiles :lol: :lol: :D :lol: :lol:

Ive got some tadpoles I could send to ya if ya want :bounce: :bounce: I know you want them :wink: but been so far away thats about all I can offer for now :lol: :lol: !

oh yea and once the tadpoles turn into lil froggies you can kiss em and itll turn into a prince and you can live happily ever after lol

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Yes, thanks so much to SMC, it's little things like that which help things along!

Mincie - Hehe. If only! Maybe I can put them in the pool in my back yard, and then they can keep the mozzies down! (The pool has a rip in it so only has fifteen cms water). But nah, thanks for the offer anyways but I'll stick with my fishies I'm hoping to get for now! :)

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Mincie.. you been reading those Fairy Tale books again? ;):P :lol:

SMC - What a great offer to tank swap, thats really kind of you 8)

Bet your rapt Jasmine, and I hope you can make the most of the Xmas period, it certainly can be a lonely time for some, but with your good news on tank swap, it must cheer you up some :D

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="Afrikan"]Mincie.. you been reading those Fairy Tale books again? ;):P :lol:

Dammit how'd you know :lol: :lol:

Seriously though I dont mind sending you some as ive got another lot to send out on wednesday, theyll be swt in a pool untill they turn into frogs an could hop :bounce: away but if theres any other water (streams/wetlands) etc near by it may help re-establish them in your area!

Otherwise keep them in a small tank with a lil water and a rock or 2 and you can have fun like me trying to catch insects for them, I've just been making fruitfly traps so hope they work as Im gonna have hungry lil frogs otherwise, anyway just a thought!

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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setting up tanks and getting into the hobby can use up alot of cash, im a student and struggled to provide for my fish at the start because i was earning less than 100 a week.

i like to help newbies when i can. i give my plants away to newbies or people setting up new tanks when they reproduce- the way i see it is im not doing anything special for them to reproduce so why not help someone else out? theyd just go in the bin otherwise! i spose they wont be too much help to you though if your going african? :lol:

chin up :wink:

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I had a large tank which broke. I didn't know about this site or anything then. I lost all my fish except for one in the end. I know how awful that is.

Thanks so much, and yes, I am very much happy :D

Mincie - Do you really want to get rid of them? LOL. If so, my mum's got a pond out the back of her house, my little brother's currently got two tadpoles, and once they turn into frogs they'll go in the pond. I'm sure he'd love some more :)

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Just to show what this site can do... I was rung Christmas Eve by a member of this site asking if I could help with some contacts in her area as her tank had just cracked and she was trying to save her fish. I was able to give her numbers for 3 people so hopefully she was successful. I haven't heard back and don't have her phone number so can't check. She is unable to visit in here often so sending a PM will not work. I will PM the others though and see if they were able to help.

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hi jasmine ur lucky u didnt set that tank up as i cleaned it repainted it an filled it up saturday an went away for a couple of days i went out to the shed today to fine the middle brace inside the tank with the front an back of the tank with big bends ready to brack wot a made rush to emtpy that tank

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Oh dear :-? Do you want some payment for the tank I recieved from you? I don't have a lot of money but I can send you some when I get paid.

I had filled it up briefly with the hose, but had emptied it the same day and it had seemed fine.

I'm really annoyed with the trader now!

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