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Aqua one cf1200 filter

Aquarium Dude

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hey, i have a cf500 and a cf700 and i love them! i havnt had any problems with them in the year that i have owned them.

the other thing i like about them is that they dont cost too much :P

as for the size of the filter i would be sweet, but if you plan on having a heavly planted tank then it might be to much flow? not sure if it affects it or not.

im in the process of setting up new tank too and plan on putting a cf1000 or cf1200, its going to be heavly panted tank so im not sure if the flow of the filters actuly affects the plants and co2 levels or not? maybe someone could help me??

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i have a 1200lph canister running on my 150L planted, the spray bar is facing the back glass to diffuse the flow a bit.

keep in mind many canisters are rated with no media and no head hight so a 1200lph canister is going to be running a few hundred less lph's after

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Sharn, that is why I was thinking the 1200, because height of water is quite high

Can anyone provide a picture of the taps, spraybar and inlet?

The height of the water (head) does not effect this type of filters flow rate.

All it does is change the operation pressure inside the filter.

As the inlet pipe and outlet pipe both start and finish from the same height and the system is sealed, there is no head. If there was then you would get flow without the filter plugged in as you'd have a siphon...

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when you start the filter you need to fill the canister right up, so that nob turns and comes off and you poor the water in the hole to fill it up.

the taps are sweet, makes it easy to clean the filter just turn them off and take the top of the filter off and no water will leak out while you clean it.

being aquaone i would think that spear taps and things would be easy to get if you broke one anyway.

if you were worried about to much flow then you could turn the tap off a littlle bit i spose.

i think ill get the 1200 for my tank, the price difference between the 1000 and the 1200 is buger all i think

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if you were worried about to much flow then you could turn the tap off a littlle bit i spose.

i think ill get the 1200 for my tank, the price difference between the 1000 and the 1200 is buger all i think

i would get it for the extra $20 or whatever the differnece is

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well i got my filter today, but the cf1200 was out of stock till the end of next month :(

so i got a rena xp3 filter, they are 1350lph and really good, cost me $190.

the only problem with it is that its really noisey :evil: i found that my cf700 and 500 are completly silent!

so if your after a nice quite filter then i would recomened the aqua one over this, but apart from that the rena has more media space, more flow and less wattage too.

any way how long will it take for the filter to mature running on a cycled tank? and will it quiten down when it gets a bit junked up?

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