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Hi everyone, I'm from the wet and windy wairarapa. I have recently converted to live plants and will be converting to tropical soonish. I'm looking at buying a small school of harlequin rasbora and was just wondering if anyone has had much experience with them.

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Hi Emily

Welcome to the forum, this is a great place :D We keep Harlequin Rasbora in our planted community... they are stunning in a school, we used to have about 50 schooling in our 6ft tank when it was a community... definately a fish I would always consider.. :D


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Hi Emily, Welcome! :D

I have a small school of harlequins (10) that I keep in a wide two foot tank. (they will soon get a 3 foot one, yay!) Then I'll get more of them...

I've had them only a few months, but they are really great fish. However, I did have a few die soon after getting them, so I wouldn't add them first, wait until your tank is mature. I think I hurried the introductions a bit. :(

Mine are currently in with a pair of kribensis and a male betta (Siamese fighter) with no trouble!

Cheers, Hellen

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