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So how did you get hooked.


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Speaking of white cloud mountain minnows, saw a bunch of them at Fins and Fangs in Wellington last weekend. Beautiful fish, I personally think they're nicer looking than neons. I'd have bought some if they weren't cold water.:)

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Nice article thanks Bill. I've printed it out for future use, now all I need is a nice picture of the wcmm to put with it.

I'm eyeing up the spare space in the garage - no worries if I can get rid of the car....

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A mate sarted in the garage and now he diging up the back yard he

got two 10000l ponds and in go to dig two more of the same size and he got

16 bath tubs out side as well

bath tub are good for grow gold fish on i got one in my back yard and keep an eye out for more

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Hi Dennis,

You wrote,

thanks for that bill i bead them for the fist time in feb i got 55 to as

big as neon in less two months and they were breeding them selfs at 3 months. i feed them lots of live food i go to breed them agan in summer


You've done terrific if you have bred neons. Not many people have when compared to other species, possibly because they are so cheap to buy.

Just out of interest, did you set up with the intention of breeding them, or did it just happen?

What were your water conditions, as they will only generally breed in soft slightly acid water ?

Getting them to a saleable size in eight weeks is pretty good as well.

Heaps of BB (Baby Brine Shrimp) I presume.

I just used to use a bare bottomed tank , (18X12X12) with as I said, imported water, because my water supply was so unpredictable, so to save time I would ship it fifty miles or so.

This along with a weighted bunch of plant, usually Cabomba or Myriophyllum was my main setup. I'd seperate what I presumed were males and females, then condition them with live foods for some time before introducing them to the breeding setup.

My results were never in sufficiant quantities to cover my needs in the shop, as I regularly brought in lots of 500/1000 with each order, either weekly or fortnightly.

They used to sell in large quantities, so I was always well stocked.

These ones I have at the moment are still going crazy with their antics, so I might just give them a go, just for old times sake. :)

My long term plan is to tackle the Cardinals, or perhaps Discus, which have always fascinated me, but then again, the Guppy line breeding is dragging me in one direction, the Cats (Plecos/Corys) in another, and the Botia's in another. he he.

This hobby of ours has ALWAYS a challenge to offer if we care to take it.

Happy Days, :):)




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Hi Dennis,

No prob,... Good subject anyway.

Good to hear you have bred the WCMM. Not a lot of shops seem to stock them, and someone was looking for some on this forum not long ago.

Great little fish, and your 50 odd must give you a good show.



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On a dark and stormy night...... He arrived at his abode. The winds at gale force; the rain scorching his face, drenching him to his core, his bones fragile from the cold.

Just wanting to warm his bones and have a warm mead in front of the fire. When the first thing that greeted him was................

His WIFE...arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh worst was yet to come she proceded to tell him she had spent $600 dollars on a FISH TANKKKKKKKK..

He overcame this great obstacle with great tact and diplomacy (he thought) by of course grunting and ignoring anymore reference to it. So therefore he watched Billy, Bobby, Betty and many others die from neglect :( But he was steadfast in the rule that he had placed upon himself (no interference)

Therefore when it came to the day of packing it all away by umm other parties.. That he arose and umm said no thanks I wanna keep fishies :)

AND HE DOES with lots of plants too

Okay okay so I'm a bad story teller but that is how it basically happened LOL

Now...... thanks to both Caryl and Derek for replying to my first post (filter for a planted tank)

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You should write a book Campbell... That was a grear into there :) I love a great story... especially a fishy one.

I notice we haven't heard from many of our original members in this section.

It's not just for new members you know, so how about it Cees, Derek, Bruce, Caryl.... and many more. We need some post here folks :)

The topic is "How Did You Get Hooked", so come on... How did you ?? :)


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Some of us don't 'get hooked'. I have always liked fish and we have always had animals of various sorts since I was a toddler. We had fish ponds as I grew up. To me it was natural to have fish. I must have been 'hooked' in vitro! :D

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I picked a VIA aqua and umm yep my fish keeping better be, better then my story telling hehe Although Pegusas now has me convinced with the use of UGF's LOL but not for my planted tank they can be for the next one Oh the misses tank has an aquaclear (the tank I tried to ignore *sigh*hehe)

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