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Palembang Puffers (Very Pic Heavy)


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As requested, here are some pics of the kids. They're not good, but I can always get better ones this weekend with the better camera.









Personally I can't help but love the look of sheer excitement when they spot food, especially Harry, the big piggish one. Lol. He's like a little kid when he realizes it's feeding time.

Hope you enjoyed.

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All three came from Redwood Aquatics here in CHCH. I went in to get some dolomite chip for another tank and saw these guys in a tank. Couldn't forget them, so I setup a new tank and picked them up later. They were retailing $120 each. The staff at Redwood were lovely and very helpful and it was great excitement bringing these guys home.. :P

I'm waiting to hear back about what other puffers they have available for import, as it's been a few months since I got these and all I can think of is more darling puffers.. :lol:

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Aww I saw those guys there and almost said bye to my community! Luckily my conscience (the Wife) caught me in time.

They look comfortable & happy but are you keeping them together??? I never had success with that!

My last puff was a fang's, not a great pet as I never saw him, just the destruction each morning.

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They're all together still, but it did take some time to work out how to keep them from having a go at each other from time to time. Also, feeding time was a major to sort out, for awhile I thought I would have to rehome the largest and most aggressive one. But things all worked out. Basically I had to give them LOTS of cubby holes and plants covering entrances etc. The plants have all been destroyed now, these guys are quite rough at times. Lol. Basically each has a favourite spot. The medium anti-social and hard to feed one (Helga aka Starvin' Marvin) prefers the place under the filter. The largest and piggiest one (Harry) prefers the spot behind all the cubby holes. And the small and now most aggressive one (Gertrude) picks and chooses whichever cubby hole she likes. :lol: They're growing fast though, and are moving into a 4FT once I get the lids sorted, so they have more room lengthwise.. at the moment their in a higher shorter tank.

I went in to Redwood this week and didn't see puffers but I *DID* come home with a new addition... which I didn't even realize I could get in NZ.. so I was pleased because I have wanted one for so long now.....

Polypterus palmas! :P There was only one left, so I missed out on the others. (Apparently they had been there when I purchased the puffers, but I must have been so excited I didn't even see them!)

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Aaah the bichirs - yep I did see them - had about 10 or so 4"+ there.... first time I'd ever seen 'em first hand.... they were real friendly - followed you along the tank. After a bit of research I'd love to get some but I promised myself no more big fish..

Great looking fish.... I was just at Petworld on Ferry Rd and they have F8's again, (Much to the displeasure of their tankmates).

I have a small (Beer Crate) size tank I was thinking of squeesing on my computer desk with one in it but finances are a little tight at the moment for another powerfilter and heater.... berhaps after bubs arrives it can be my Xmas pressie? Hmm time to drop subtle hints wrapped in chocolate.

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Wish I had noticed them earlier, I've been wanting them for so long, but atleast I got my one (dubbed Fido). Fortunately, this particular birchir is the "smallest" one, and usually maxes out at 12". :P Tomorrow, hopefully, I'm grabbing the camera and can take some better photos of the puffers. I'm using it to take photos of the 6' we set up last night, may grab a photo of the birchir too. :lol:

I'm still not ready for brackish, so the F8's must wait. :( Nope, every empty tank basically has a plan already. :lol:

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