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FNZAS clubs in NZ


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For those of you wanting to know about available fish clubs in New Zealand, here is the list of FNZAS members, with contacts. As clubs all have their AGMs about now, the list may be wrong shortly if office bearers change, but it will give you a starting point...

Auckland Fishkeepers Association:

Sec: Piet Bakker: [email protected]

Canterbury Aquarium Society (Inc):

Sec: Linda Graham Ph 03 389 3137

Dunedin Aquarium & Pond Society:

Sec: Colin Clarke Ph 03 489 7270

Hawkes' Bay Aquarium Society:

Fishroom member Warren: [email protected]

Kapi-Mana Aquarium Club:

Dominique Hawinkels: [email protected]

Levin Aquarium Society (Inc):

In recess

Marlborough Aquarium Club:

Fishroom member Caryl: [email protected]

NZ Killifish Association: Postal club only

Fishroom member Andrew Broome: [email protected]

North Shore Aquarium Society:

Sec: Sue Tremayne Ph 09 410 0222

Palmerston North Aquarium Society: Coming out of recess

Sec: Rachel Craig: [email protected]

South Auckland Aquarium & Watergarden Society:

(Formerly Manurewa Aquarium Society)

Sec: Paul Munckhof: [email protected]

Taranaki Aquarium & Pond Society:

Sec: Roy Jessett: [email protected]

Current NZ Aquarium World editor

Timaru Aquarium & Watergarden Society:

Sec: Gary Laird Ph 03 688 5763

Upper Hutt Aquarium Society:

Contact Webmaster Cees

Waikato Aquarium Society:

Dave Dalziel: [email protected]

Current FNZAS President

Wairarapa Aquarium Society (Inc)

Terry Sale: [email protected]

Wanganui Aquarium Society:

Sandra Cresswell: [email protected]

Wellington also has a non-FNZAS member club:

John Crouch Ph. 04 387 7601

To my knowledge there are no other fish clubs in NZ.

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