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shrinking gills?


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A couple of my danios and a tetra have gill plates that look like they have shrunk :cry: . The gills dont look like they join to the body anymore and you can see the red underneath. The tetra only has it on one side so I know its not normal (im very new to tropical fish). Does anyone know why this has happened, any ideas to fix it or stop it happening again?

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I havent done any water tests. Do i get a kit from the lfs? Only had fish for a month so im on a learning curve. is there anything i can do if they are gill infections, and with the ammonia burn, do i solve that by doing water changes more often?

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How long has the tank been set up then? What size is it and what fish, and how many, are in there?

If the tank is only a month old it will be cycling and ammonia burns are a probability. How often are you doing water changes? These will help the ammonia levels.

You can buy test kits from your lfs, or some do the tests for you for a small fee. You need to know pH, nitrite, nitrate and ammonia levels.

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Had the water tested and there was no result for ammonia. I took a fish in to the LFS and the lady said it was gill rollback. Ive serched the internet for info on it but i cant find anything about it (I dont know the proper name for it). I bought some furan for it enough for one dose (its a 250L tank). There are about 30 fish in it ranging in size from small danios to platys. the danios have it as well as one tetra. do I just do one dose for the whole tank? is there a cheaper way of buying this stuff? do the gills grow back and how did they get it? : ( owhhhh poor little fishes, and ive only had them a month.....

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do you mean the gill coverings (operculum) are missing so the actual gill tissue is exposed?

with dosing you add your inital dosage then 24 hours later add another dosage. so say your tank is 80L you use two capsules on day one then add another two 24 hours later. im not 100% what happens then as i dont have a pack on hand but it tells you what to do after that on the pack.

lowering the tank water will reduce the amount of meds needed :)

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Do a partial water change (30%) before putting in the Furan2.

The Furan2 might help any bacterial or fungul infection, and Melafix would help the tissue repair, however I'd say (best guess) the cause was an ammonia spike which may be appearing on the test as nitrite by now. Doing the partial water change will ensure good water conditions.

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