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Hi all,

Just recently there have been many topics on different Apisto's, some are long some are short.

I thought I would start this topic for general discussion, spawning and what ever people may like to say.

The point is to condense some of the info rather then having it lost in the pages of this site.

So as I have spawned a number of Apisto's lately I thought I would show a few pic's for your interest or pleasure.

Unfortunatly I'm not that good and it is hard with a small veiwer to know whether I have sharp focus or not when maxing out the macro mode :oops:

This is a pic of A. norberti tank (H300mmXB450mmXD450mm).

The males cave is on the right and females left :lol:


now close ups


Yes there is a female in there.

I placed the 1/2 pot deep in the gravel and let her dig it out (with help from the male) to there liking.

Oh I think she may have fry, they spawned last week(only a few eggs) then the day they were to hatch they disappeared. But I am sure I saw 1 brite red thing in there this morning the size of an egg sack.


He's shy. :lol: .

In the week begining 18 Oct I got my hands on 2 pairs of A. panduro, 3 days a go they both spawned.

1 in the morning the other in the afternoon, yesterday evening I checked them out as they were due to hatch today, both pairs still had eggs.

This is what I found this morning in the cave of the first pair to spawn.



and the other pair still has eggs EHT (estamated hatch time ) between 2-4pm today.

Finaly thought I'd take a pic of a female A. biteaniata.


If you missed it LOOK under her chin.

EFSS ( estamated free swim stage ) Today :bounce: :bounce:

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Thanks Mystic.

Don't forget if you have something to say or show, things to do OR not to do on Apisto's please share.

By the way the A. biteaniata fry are starting to swim and I got the EHT wrong on the second pair of A.panduro, mum is garding babys like the first pair.

I really hope they make it, first spawns of young fish more often then not don't even make it this far.

You know, some things take practise to get right :wink:.

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Hey thank Mekhaela,

Hows the marlieri going??

Just an up date both panduro's still have there bab's and are due to free swim tomorrow.

The Biteaniata female is loving being a mum of around 60 bub's hurding them around the tank unfrotunately for me she always seems to have them at the back of the tank or behind the spawning pot, however just a few min's a go I was in the fish room and she had them right at the front very close to the glass. She lifted her fins and looked very angry at my presents but left them to do there thing rather then ushering them away, it was so cool to see.

Ok now i'm temping fate a little, I have this species....

http://www.apistogramma.com/cms/index.p ... &Itemid=47

They have spawned a few times but never produced fry, I beleave I HAD the only male in the country all the others that came in were females.

2 days after spawning the male :o jumped and I found him dead on the floor :evil: :evil:

I then found an artical on them saying you must breed them on a sand base tank as they are delayed mouth brooders ( I knew they were mouthbrooders). The reason for sand is that she will spit them out to eat but likes to dig holes in the sand to keep them while eating. I had them on gravel.

I hoped against hope and every now and then she looked like her throut was distended other times not - I just was not sure.

The artical also said the female was a super mum and would quit happly raise other species fry as well.

Any way after I had a look at the biteaniata I checked her out :( she wasn't carying I could tell - no dout, Oh well thats the end of them as it is unlikely they will ever be imported again very sad. :cry::cry:

:D Wait what was that in the java moss :o NO IT CAN'T BE :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: YES IT BEEP BEEP IS, "FRYYYYYYYYY" :bounce: :bounce:

I COULDN'T BELEAVE MY EYES but there they were I don't know how many. Only a few, 6 maybe ...

OH please let them grow up and 1, just 1 be a male.

I'll take pic's as soon as I have time, The next couple of days are always a bit busy for me thou.

I am so excited A. sp. Maulbruter is one of the really unusual Apisto's they remind me of Geophagus jurupari with their pearly blue scales, There not Shy either. The male was always out and about.

I really hope the artical was right that the females are super mums.

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nice one mate, those maulbruter are very rare, the Australians are always moaning because they never have them. Hopefully you get a male out of them. Have you thought about taking them away from the mother and raising them yourself? That way no risk of mum eating them. Sounds like your fish room is very busy at the moment. Nice work.

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Hey There Stu :D

The Marleri are doing great.. growing up fast, we also have the Transcriptus, and they are like litte torpedos in the tank, rather hilarious to watch.

Sounds like you are having an awesome time with your Apistos :D, I might send you a pic or two of the ones I have and see what you think they might be. I have rather a few fry from them that have grown up now also.

Mekhaela :D

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Please do Mekaela, pic's tell a 1000 words :D

Thanks antwan and malawiman.

Things are heating up, the A. cruzi have spawned again and 2 of my cockatoos have spawned. I had a big old male die of old age - place a younger male in with her and they spawned with in hours later :lol:

I was thinking of removing the maulburter fry but mum will do a better jog and the male is not there to bug her.

Which ever way I choose there is a risk of loosing them.

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Stu, what are the EHT of the A. panduro.

I have a spawning of them. Well, the female has. :roll:

Only had them set up from last Sat. evening-Sun. morning.

They are the ones that Paul brought up when he came to see Peter Cottle.

Fins crossed

Alan 104

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Sweet as Alan

:lol: The email you sent me earlyer had me worryed :lol:

3 days budy, then you may have riglers if your female is happy and water perameters are ok.

The water in my Apisto set up is currently Ph 5.5 and GH unknown but it is 100% R/O water with a 3 to 5% water change per day.

The second batch of A. cruzi hatched today, not sure on numbers but it looks ok this is only the second spawning by this female ( I have spare females ) so it wont be large - there's maybe between 20 and 30 riglers at the back of the cave.

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Ok hows this for weird.

A few weeks ago I removed a small batch of fry from A. Eunotus. As it is my only female I left the male behind the mesh I use to stop the fish killing each other.

1 week after removing the fry she spawned but of cause the eggs were infertile.

Well she spawned again 3 days a go ( the male is still behind mesh as I want to use a differnt male but have not got round to moving them) and today I found around 16 wriglers her cave.

Now for thou's that have breed Red devils and alike cichlid, spawnings behind mesh is a common method.

But heres the kicker, the females cave is at an angle to the mesh AND 8" away.

There is no way the milt could have been sprayed or floated all that way and hit 16 eggs - no way.

The only explanation is she took it to the eggs :o

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