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Blue Rams clamping fins


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I have two blue rams which have been happy and healthy up until now, now they both are clamping there fins, what would be causing this and what do i treat it with??

They are in a 300ltr tank, with alsorts of fish, swords, gourami, neons etc etc tank has been up and running for 4 or so months. I have never had a fish die in there so i'm a little stumped?? all the other fish in there seem fine BUT there is a new sword that I didn't quarenteen that is clamping too but is swimming around normally?? about 2 weeks ago i put her in

I haven't cleaned out the filter but i did do a major change around of the scenery about 3 days ago.... including a really large gravel vac.

Can anyone help??

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I won't be able to get there until sat - what do you think i should add or not add in the mean time??

they seem to be eating....

I also have clown loaches in there and they look great .... i thought they were meant to be the sensitive ones.

I'm also about to do a water change, its been 4 days since there last one and they get water changes once or twice a week

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I would keep up the water changes and keep an eye out for spots. I suspect a connection between the clamping unquarantined sword and the clamping rams. Clowns are sensitive and get white spot easily but rams are also very sensitive to water conditions. You need to check your ammonia, nitrites and nitrates too.

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yup just did one - after talking to paul about it a bit, i think i have found the problem, when i said I did a big change around i moved a large piece of driftwood for the first time since having the tank.

after checking the sword out a bit more its not actually clamping as such, as when it stops swimming hard out its fin goes back up

i'll just keep my fingers crossed and do a few water changes

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