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Golden gourami Fry Help please


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I have free swimming Gourami fry, I have transfered them to small tank with aerator and heater. What's the best thing to feed them I'm going to get some of that no 1 fry egglayers, plus I have m worms and lots of other different foods, could someone let me know as this is first time I've had gouramis breed, I noticed he get's very territorial I went to squish snails around the vicinty of bubblenest and he had a nip at my hand.

Any Info would be very much appreciated


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I just quickly turned to a book on pearl gouramis and it says they take their fist food two days after hanging under the nest, and minuscule. Rotiferas (fresh water micro-organisms) will be eaten first, then young brine shrimps then dry food (flakes and granules).

I gather this is the same for golden gouramis :D

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FIRST OF ALL........................Turn off the aerator.


Now you can start adding GREEN WATER (The greener the BETTA :lol: ) on a daily basis. ABOUT 250ML IF YOU HAVE A GOOD CULTURE or even more if you arent sure.

Forget about any other food except the green water for at least a week and then start feeding NEWLY HATCHED BRINE SHRIMP.

Labyrinth fish do not like a disturbed surface and the temperature above the water has to be the same as the water temp. so make sure you have a good fitting lid.

You can read my earlier posts on FIGHTERS.....SAME THINGS APPLY.

Good luck. :bow:

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