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Increase outflow volume??!


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I was just wondering if anyone has a trick to increase the volume of an outflow pipe?! I can't give the pipe any more head but can I add a whole in the top or something to let the air and or water flow more efficiently?!?! The pipe is a standard drainage pipe (40mm I think) and has a few 90 deg. bends in it but I can't streamline it anymore...

I'll put a pic up later tonight but ANY ideas would be great!

Thanks :)

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Maybe you need to explain a bit more what you are trying to do?? The correct answer to your question is to get a bigger pipe, but I don't think this is what you are really asking. Do you want more of a blast coming out of the pipe? If so put a reducer on the end and you will get more of a jet. Or do you want more water flowing through the pipe? If this is the case you either need a bigger pump or remove the restrictions in the pipe, i.e. lower the head height, either remove or replace 90d bends with wide radius (or 2x45d) bends.

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Sorry its not very clear I know! I'll put up a pic when I get home which should make it easier to understand - but I'm stuck with the size of hole in the glass and have no way of increasing the head/pressure to the pipe as the outflow is from a box at the top of the tank... I'll post a pic later!

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I'm not quite clear on this...Is the water flowing out of the tank though that pipe or is the water coming FROM the pipe?

If it's leaving the tank through the pipe, you might be able to get more flow with a smaller pipe, but have it siphoning and using an air valve to tweak it to match the flow of the pump.

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Do you think expanding the diameter of the pipe as soon as its trough the whole in the glass would help?!

No cause it the hole that is restricting it, I assume there isn't anything on the bottom of that pipe restriting it or causing back pressure does it come out below the water line?

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Thanks for the posts guys!

I've just been playing with it and putting a small diameter silicone pipe (25mm) down inside the existing pipe to create a siphon works a treat! The pump is 3000lph and the pipe can now easily remove the water in the overflow box - it’s pretty loud but works so that’s all that matters at the moment!

Thanks Ira :)

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