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Leopard Fish Babies


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Separate them mate.

They are too good a meal to miss out on.

Just like guppies.

I had to move quickly the other morning when a hen dropped hers in an icecream container.

Alan 104

Thanks Alan , she's still dropping or just started maybe . So far i have cought 8 babies but more to come I'm sure , how many can i expect roughly ?

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Floating plants and java fern are your friend :D but then I'm sure you already knew that. :wink:

PS: that half black female guppy you gave me is an escape artist. She's been on the floor 3 times but still going. :o [Note to self - DON'T leave lid off of that tank.]

glad she's still kicking :) has she dropped yet ? :P:P

up to 16 babies now and still going :)

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