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Kh, Ca, Mg, balance


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I have been having some problems getting my levels of the above right. I wasn't too worried about because my cal reator was a bit small for my tank, and then I replaced it with a koralin so was expecting it to take a while to settle down. New reactor has been running for 1-1.5 months now.

When I first put the reactor in my levels were Ca 320, KH 7, Mg 1020, it was stable at these levels for a couple of weeks (and at these levels with the old reactor) so I cranked up the bubble and output rates. I adjust both so the output remains at a PH of round 6.2 (pinpoint).

Now the reactor is working a bit harder my levels are Ca 370, Kh 11.5, Mg 1020. I also run about 5-10% Mg chips in my reactor.

What I want to know is how do I get them into ballance, is my Ca low because of my low Mg or the other way round? Will adjusting one correct the other?

Is it possible my reactor isn't adjusted right? I can't see how it would be possible to adjust the reactor to output more calcium and not raise the KH further.

And lastly rather than dosing Ca and/or Mg is there anyway to lower just the Kh? I could then just bump up the reactor output.

All tests done using salifert, Ca was tested using two different test kits, PH is 8.3 pinpoint during the evening. Haven't checked salinity for a couple of weeks but its pretty stable on 1.025, all other param are 0 (No3, Po4 etc)

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I can't see how it would be possible to adjust the reactor to output more calcium and not raise the KH further


A CR doses Ca and kH in a (reasonably) balanced fashion therefore you need to increase the Ca separately by using calcium chloride. Once you have it at the right level, only then will your CR keep Ca and kH in line. When they get out of line again, then increase with manual additives. Plug your figures in the calculator then read the text about how to achieve the desired result. It's very well documented...


And lastly rather than dosing Ca and/or Mg is there anyway to lower just the Kh?

Time. Wait for kH to drop to the desired level then increase Ca to what you want. THEN your CR will keep everything else in line if configured correctly.

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I pretty much understand that, but I have read online that if your Mg is low it pulls your Ca down, or vie-versa so my main question really is if I correct one will the other come into line.

My problem is getting the chemicals down here, the only place I have found that can do them has to order them in, will only do 25kg bags and I have talked to their supplier and they can't/wont tell me how pure etc they are.

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I pretty much understand that, but I have read online that if your Mg is low it pulls your Ca down, or vie-versa so my main question really is if I correct one will the other come into line.

My problem is getting the chemicals down here, the only place I have found that can do them has to order them in, will only do 25kg bags and I have talked to their supplier and they can't/wont tell me how pure etc they are.

Or you could talk to Cracker.:)

If you use the reef chemistry calculator here: http://home.comcast.net/~jdieck1/chem_calc3.html and see how much you need I could raid my stash and bring you some mg and ca if I have enough this weekend. Maybe in exchange for a small frag or something?:)

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I thought that if your mag wasnt right you wouldnt be able to maintain correct cal levels

Correct. Or at least you will have to keep adding Ca & Alk in big amounts to keep ahead of the precipitation.

Not sure if this is recommended, but I bought a 25 kg sack of magnesium chloride for $13.00, from a farm supply store. It is not very pure, dairy farmers add it to the stock food for their milking cows as being milked sucks more magnesium out of them than is replaced in the grass they eat, hence the cheap price for it.

I have at times dosed biggish amounts of it to my own tank with no apparent issues. Having said that though, as there is a high % of magnesium in seawater and a potential need to dose a good amount of it, it would probably pay to try to get it as pure as possible.

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Has anyone used epson salts to raise their Mg? If so was it easy to get, expensive etc?? According to the calculater I'm looking at 2071 grams(!) to move my Mg from 1020 to 1300

Yes, but it will raise your ionic balance in favour of sulphate ions. A correctly ionically balanced magnesium supplement can be made by using 1 part epsom salts (magnesium sulphate), to 10 parts magnesium chloride.

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I use both mag chloride and epsom salts in the ratio wasp recomended. Epsom salts cost $6 per 250gms so it wasnt cheap.

I got a 25 kg bag of mag chloride a while ago from med chem here in auckland, cost $140 or something like that. If you can organise others who want to share with you I dont mind getting another bag and sending it to you

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My problem is getting the chemicals down here, the only place I have found that can do them has to order them in, will only do 25kg bags and I have talked to their supplier and they can't/wont tell me how pure etc they are.

im sure pies, ira and others in wellies would be keen on going shares on a 25kg sack! always good to have, esp. incase of emergencies.

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Providing you do reasonably decent sized water changes, you should need to be worrying about Epsom salts.

You can raise MG by using either epsom salts, (Magnesium sulphate), or Magnesium Chloride.

The natural level of the ocean is 60-70% chloride and the rest Ca, Mg, Str etc, etc.

So this means that MG Chloride is the best to add. By ensuring decent size water changes, thye build up of extra chlorides is minimal.

I have heaps of SPS which have a high demand for MG and I only consume 3 cups of MG per week for 1400 litres. Its a reasonable amount, but by buying 25kg bags at $5.00 bucks a kilo its pretty darn cheap. Last me for months even with my size tank.

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To have one chemical reflecting the other should only happen at levels that are way off the recopmmended levels.

If you have MG of say 1200 and Ca of 380, the addition of one or the other wont drag the other one. Large differences like 1100 mg or say 340 ca may effect the other and bugger up the levels.

The best way to fix this is to adjust the Magnesium first by no more than 75ppm per day until at 1350. Then adjust Ca at no more than 50 ppm per day and then the KH to around 8-12, (depending on where you like it), by no more than 3 per day.

This needs to be done in this order unless the KH is under 3kh, then adust this to about 7kh before you play with the MG.

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Once at these levels, adjust the reactor to suit. If it wont keep up, you may want to get a better one, or just stop using it and dosing chlorides and Baking soda, (Or similar) manually.

This is what I do once a week for MG and Ca.

and twice weekly for KH.

Hope this helps.

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Got a 25kg bag of Mag cl today for $12, food grade not lab, dosed about a kg over 2-3 hours, will do test and then dose again tomorrow, then in a couple of days test my Ca and see whats happening. I also lowered the bubble rate in my reactor, my Kh was just getting too high.

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which co did it come from and do they sell anything else usefull?

Came from Farmlands in carterton, yep sold lots of useful stuff.... if your a farmer :lol:

They can also order in foodgrade cal cl at about $30 for 25kg bag but don't normally stock it, and it depends if any of there shops have any, to get if from the supplier they have to order it by the ton, and they didn't seem that keen :wink:

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You wanna be careful with that stuff dude,

Its what they use to feed cows with. Something to do with milk assistance and grass issues.

Its not very pure at all. Watch for algae and diatoms...

If you get some stop dosing.

If you want some pure stuff, we can send to you or I think Ira has organised it before.

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