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One year down the track


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The kids are doing really well, for those of you that don't know what we are on about trinity gave me her male saddle back clown when I lost my female.

My male has turned into a female I think because they have paired up well, I put them in the cube tank for a bit of privacy :D

I have spring cleaned the cube and managed to get rid of the cyno and have taken out all the red calupera and rearranged the rock work, the anemone is having abit of trouble finding the best spot I would like it to come up the back of the rocks like Jetski's but if that doesn't work I have another place ready.

The main tank is finished apart from one frag I still have to pick up from puttputt, thanks to puttputt I have put in some sps frags to give the top of the tank more appeal, all the little frags have grown abit and they have only been in a week (come from good stock).

I enjoyed the visit with puttputt he has some beautiful corals and can't wait to see his new tank once he moves up north.

I have had no more fish die since the two wrasses went still can't figure out what happened.

The new fish (niger trigger) which I have named skud is doing very well gets on with everyone and doesn't pick on any corals so far so good and he is one cool fish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have given the cube tank a spring clean while the Anemone was splitting I thought it was a good chance to rearrange things and clean out the red calupera it took hours of work to get it all out, I also gave the sand a good clean.











Still waiting for the split off Anemone to come out from under the rocks the male saddleback is looking after it while the female is looking after the other one.

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about time you paid me a visit and did a spring clean on my tank :D

nice job on hiding that stream too, looks great. next tank i do you will spend most of your time trying to work out where the mega flow is coming from, all plumbing will be insanely hidden by some ingenious ideas (at the cost of a small amount of tank space) :D

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Ha! My wife was complaining today about all that yucky pink stuff she doesn't like growing on the glass of my tank, she wants me to clean it off.

She does remember our visit because she said "Fays tank doesn't have all that crap on the glass".

I said "yes it does", so thanks for the pics, now i've got the proof! :D

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Duke wrote

How is the trigger going?

Great after about two weeks he decided he was going to be boss and started nipping at the butterfly fish's tail, I saw him grab it and take a big bit out :o

I fixed the problem by splitting the food up so they get three to four feeds a day not just one big one worked a treat FISH DON'T LIKE BEING HUNGRY I just proved that.

I love him he is so cool I am a bit worried about the size he will grow, looking at how fast my big tang has grown :o

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dogmatix wrote

Great to see a new pic of my ex big blue boy, one of the few fish that i have missed after selling

It is a great fish so powerful!! should see him when he has full speed up like lightening flashes past and into a narrow sideways cave turns on his side and into it without blinking an eye FANTASTIC FISH!!

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