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a cure for Whitespot??

i have treated my tank twice, following directions exactly, with Wunder Whitespot Cure, done the water changes and i stll have it in my tank. also any ideas as to what may be causing it?




java moss

indian fern

java fern

floating plant (unsure of name)

another plant that jude gave me

large driftwood

small driftwood

1 x 300w heater

1 x 200w heater

internal filter


1 x male bn

2 x adult peppered corys

8 x young peppered corys

+/- 25 adult guppies

+/- 50 fry (which are moved as soon as i can catch them)


ph: 6.0

ammonia: 0

nitrite: 0

nitrate: 40

don't know why the nitrate gets so high as i do weekly water changes. will probably have to do bigger ones.

i have found no bodies as of yet so its no due to dead tankmates.

any suggestions will be greatly appreciated :bow:

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You need to get the temp high because this speeds up the life cycle of the white spot, the cures only work when they are in their free swimming stage so the faster the life cycle the more likely you are to catch them when you have the treatment in the tank. As the others have said a half dose is a good idea because BN's don't do well with the treatments.

Two heaters is a good idea, that way you have redundancy if one fails as they all seem to do after a while.

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I had a clown loach that took about 3 weeks to get cured of white spot.

It used to hang out in a cave all the time and i guess the water flow through the cave was not very great. The other fish got cured but he got pretty badly covered in spots.

I had to put him in a 2L glad container and dose him. I then let the container float in the tank to keep warm. It took 2 weeks of being constantly dosed in the container for him to heal.

I guess the moral of the story is take out any places the medicated water wont flow to so that one fish does not reinfect the rest.

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tank temp is currently 28oC

as for the 2 heaters, Suphew is right. it's there as a back up if the 300w fails. it is set to a slightly lower temp so it is not on unless the temp drops.

so, i should just keep treating with the wunder till it goes away? any rough ideas on how long it may take?

thanks for the help

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