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whats a good plant for community tanks (Tropical)?

obie trice

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I think hornwort is on the banned list with a big fine if you are caught with it. It is a Ceratophyllum sp and some, like C demersum (coontail) are banned I know.

Floating options:

Lemna minor - duckweed :wink:

Ceratopteris thalictroides - water sprite

Ceratopteris pteroides - Indian fern

Riccia fluitans - Riccia

Azollia filiculoides - rubra

Microsorium pteroides - Java fern

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Keep away from 'Duckweed'. Its like some kind of sicko virus. You think its a good idea putting it in the tank, then darn it, its everywhere. Its going to take me a long time to get it out of my java moss and indian fern :x:cry: :oops:

I'd recommend Java Moss, its awesome, and great for eggs or baby fry.

I have had some problems with Indian Fern rotting, and snails eating it, but where its had good light its been fantastic and looks great, Java fern is great too but you really just want to tie it to something like driftwood as it looks kind of funky when it floats past upside down.

Be wary of filter inlets. I have Java Fern, Java Moss, and Indian Fern growing out of my Jebo 819 filter inlet. I'll get around to fixing that shortly.

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