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Hi There, newish to fish


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Hi there, My name Is Josh and my Partners name is Aimee.

We've Been keeping fish for about six months now and are really addicted ( we have three tanks already) so i'll tell you a little about them our first brought tank is a 60L which we stated off with 10 neons then 4 palties then we found Zeus ( hes our pride and joy, a royal blue male betta with a hint of red), oh yeah and a BN. We then decided that we needed a bigger tank so we went and got a 96L Tank and put them in that along with a few more neons and pilties and another bristel nose FUN!! I then decided that i wanted a marine nano tank so i turned the 60L into one with some live rock (thats all thats in there at the mo, well along with water DUH!).

While on a scouring the pet shops in the lower north island we found some female betts, so we got another tank for them with zeus, just a small 38L one for breeding. which seems to be going alright but its only been going for a week. currently we've had a outbreak of what we belive is white spot and were going threw the steps to get rid of it. In this light were thinking that our 96L is over crouded and we need another tank BUT money is tight so I'm thinking of Caning the Marine tank and turning it back into a fresh water for our neons and growing up tank for some betta fry. however i hate to think that the cost of live rock and marine lighting was not in vein but i geuss that that can be used again in another progect down the line. Thats our story so far good to meet u all hope to be picking your brains soon, Knight 8)

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Hi knight and welcome. If money is tight I would get rid of the marine as, not only are inhabitants costly, they are dearer to run with the equipment and extra lighting needed. We have a trade section in here where you could sell the rock you already have.

Whitespot is usually a result of poor water quality. This may or may not be due to overcrowding. Without knowing actual tank size (dimensions rather than litres) and how many fish you have it is hard to tell. How often do you do water changes?

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Cheers guys, I was looking at joining the Kapi Mana club but i work on wed nights so yeah.

Our main tank is 30 by 40 by 80 cms with two BN 15 tetras 6 pilaties 1 guppy 4 baby pilaties and did have a betta but not anymore his in with his girls, we did do water changes weekly but are now doing them daily.

Thanks Josh

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Hi, welcome to fnzas. With your tank it doesent sound overstocked. And as caryl said marine is expensive as i know to well :-? But its reallly cool because the fish have so much brighter colours and the corals are awsome. I started like you with a lot of freshwater tropical tanks but i found that they were not challenging enough :) so bought a marine tank, and have not looked back since :D .


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yeah well, just packed up the marine stuff into a polly box only had 4 kg of LR some substrate and some rocks, coverd it all with the water from the tank and made my partner promise that the next tank well buy will be a 200 - 300L marine one LOL!! :lol: so cleand out the tank stocked it with new media for the filter and water let it cycle the old fashion way and hopfully get rid of the whitespot in the other tanks then use it to sepertate some of our fishses out

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