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Oh My Gosh


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Oh my gosh,

I have an empty tank.

Its a 60L Tank. 60x30x30cm.

Now my problem is that I cant have a air pump on it as its in the bed room and its too noisy. So what can I have in a tropical tank with no air pump?

Im guessing anabantoids. But not sure.

Also has anyone seen any good ideas of how to layout a hex tank?

Pics or website will be great.



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You dont NEED an air pump with any fish....

Just use a small internal filter or IMO, even better, a small HOB filter, A 50W heater and chuck a few cool fish in there.

As long as you have water movement you will not actually NEED an air pump at all.

IMO a siamese fighter would be wicked in that size tank. One nice male and a few dither fish.

P.S. The sound of fish tanks is what puts me to sleep, i cant imagine not having 60 decibels of air pump noise in my bedroom... ugh :)

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Yup, I have quite a few large bowls set up with zero technology. Do a search for low tech and no tech aquariums, as well as the work of Diana Walstad, who wrote Ecology of the Planted Aquarium: A Practical Manual and Scientific Treatise for the Home Aquarist. Great book, I have it on my shelf and highly recommend it. :D

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