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Cleaning Laguna Pumps


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I have two Laguna 6 pumps that I have never cleaned so decided to do them tonight I should have asked for advice.

I read the instruction book and it said simply grasp impeller firmly and pull out of the impeller well Yes you guessed it I snapped the ceramic shaft :oops: bugger :evil: So I got the second pump and got Frog to look at it, he gentle pried the grey base plate first then it came off easy :)

Just sharing so you don't make the same bloo :wink

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Great pumps, but I've broken 2 shafts in mine I suspect they are a tad prone to it during pulling apart.

Actually I've broken my laguna shaft twice! :oops:

Now I find an easy way to clean it is drop the whole thing into a bucket of water & vinegar & run for 24 hours, don't pull it apart at all.

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Hi Cyberfin, for me anyway I'm not very scientific about it, just whatever vinegar I've got, maybe 1 part vinegar 4 parts water, something like that. If the pump is real cruddy maybe beef it up a bit.

Foodtown have a special cheap brand, from memory it's about 2 bucks for 2 litres although I might be slightly out on that.

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The shafts should just be held in by the magnetic field so should come out reasonably easily. Probably need to be careful in that you pull it out along the axis of the shaft and not side to side - that will probably cause it to snap. :o

Haven't tried it but one thought could be to use one of those "divot" removers that they use in golf to repair the greens. Basically they have a couple of prongs that could slide behind the vanes of the propellor and used to pull it straight out - gently but! :D

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Have you got those lights going Skippy, and if so hows everything taking the shock?

:D Yip, all fired up now for a week and a half. Nothing seems to have been affected too badly although my big devils hand packed a bit of a sad. Seems to be recovering now though - I moved it a bit lower down. Lost a bit blood as mum clown was not happy about me fiddling in the tank and she decided she was particularly grumpy that day :evil:

It seems to have revved up the algae a bit with the extra light though :o Have to see if I can find some before and after photos and start a new post (don't want to hijack this one :D )

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So Wasp, do you put a lid on your container so the water doesn't squirt out?! :D

Do you use warm water and vinegar?

No lid, just enough water to keep the pump running, in a 20 litre pail. The inlet will suck up close to the side of the pail & restrict the water throughput, so no overflows. The water starts off cold, but gets surprisingly warm by next day, just shows how much heat that pumps can add to a tank.

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