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Zeovit Products - Thoughts


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it would be good to know what the minimum zeovit setup would be - ie what potions are absolutely essential for startup, how to position the rocks so you dont need to buy a media reactor etc. i am quite keen to start using it, but would like to know whether you can 'start slowly' or if you need to go the whole hog from the get go. maybe zeovitnz can pipe up and give us some info? im sure there are plenty of us who have heard zeovit talked about and understand the principle but don't know how to implement it ourselves.

i'll start - hey zeovitnz, what do i need to get to run zeo on my 800-ish litre setup?

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Layton can you help on this one :D

Sure :D

My position is that it clearly "works". However it is also more than obvious how it does work (either by design, or otherwise); essentially by inducing corals to bleach, and then trying to control the extent and effects of the bleaching with chemical foods / nitrogen sources. A casual reading of zeovit.com will show that (see below)

Now the interesting part, and the part which is up for debate, is how exactly it does this. I have my theories. Others think i'm crazy, and part of some anti-zeovit propaganda group

If you're up for that challenge and are happy with the risks that come with it, then go for it. But personally it's not my cup of tea.



























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Now the interesting part, and the part which is up for debate, is how exactly it does this. I have my theories. Others think i'm crazy, and part of some anti-zeovit propaganda group

im interested, what are your theories?

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Maybee Layton doesn't expect anyone to read the above links pointing to evidence, I read the first one, it doesn't have anything to do with the proof about how it 'bleaches corals' but goes like this "hi I am going to try Zeovit again". More rubbish? I think so.

I used Zeovit and was very happy with the results and would reccomend it to anyone who is struggling to get the colour they want from their SPS. It is important to follow the instructions (Layton didn't when he used it) and I found ZeovitNZ very helpful with questions I had at the time.

Note I don't use Zeovit anymore. Simply put I can't afford to run it on a tank of my size, otherwise I would still be using it.


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it would be good to know what the minimum zeovit setup would be - ie what potions are absolutely essential for startup, how to position the rocks so you dont need to buy a media reactor etc. i am quite keen to start using it, but would like to know whether you can 'start slowly' or if you need to go the whole hog from the get go. maybe zeovitnz can pipe up and give us some info? im sure there are plenty of us who have heard zeovit talked about and understand the principle but don't know how to implement it ourselves.

i'll start - hey zeovitnz, what do i need to get to run zeo on my 800-ish litre setup?

I'm not sure if you would call it running "Zeovit" but I use zeolite stones in my cannister filter (tunze product from reef). I found them excellent, the water became far clearer. I removed them for a couple of days and noticed the water lost it's clearness quickly but came back within a couple of days of turning it back on. I have never had measurable no2/no3 so don't know if it helps with this (this is the funtion it is suppost to perform). Product is cheap, from memory around $30 for my 800l tank

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my 2 cents... i've been using zeovit for almost a year i guess, colours most definately improved than without it and the water is exceptionally clearer. the colours i do get in some corals are much brighter (pink monti digitata for example) than with the same coral in others tanks (eg: puttputt's) i've stopped using zeovit as of about 3 weeks ago, purely for experimentation purposes (i want to see what happens to acro colour's without dosing) i also prefer the deeper colours that people who dont use zeovit (eg: cracker) are getting (although they dose other additives such as amino acids). since i've stopped using it, i certainly haven't lost colour however some corals haved changed in colour ever so slightly (eg: pink monti digitata is more peach coloured - which incidentally looks cool!) and some acro's (from what i can see, mainly those that were tan in colour and showing small signs of purple) are becoming purple much much faster (could just be coincidence though) whether or not zeovit retards some colours (purple?) and pulls out other colours (pink monti digitata) who knows. it has only been a few weeks so dont think the zeovit bacteria would disappear out of the system that quick though.

all in all, i cant draw any definitive conclusions yet, but i'll certianly be monitoring closely to see what happens. the only other things i've changed is increased feeding by 2-3 times more once i stopped dosing. i dont see much harm in some levels of nitrates in the system (take reef's tank for example) so long as you have effective skimming and biological filtration to remove phosphate quick enough. i believe some levels of nitrates are in fact beneficial for a reef tank? even so, nitrates and phosphates read zero (salifert) in my tank (although need a colorometer test for more detail) and corals are still gaining colour even with the large increase in feeding so im assuming i have enough filtration to export nutrients.

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Thankyou very much Chimera,

My pink monti is looking very nice at the moment, not washed out and bleached.

did i say it looked bad? no, i actually quoted what you said to me, that it looks pinker than yours supposedly because of zeovit. however other corals were much lighter as well.

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Maybee Layton doesn't expect anyone to read the above links pointing to evidence, I read the first one, it doesn't have anything to do with the proof about how it 'bleaches corals' but goes like this "hi I am going to try Zeovit again". More rubbish? I think so.

I do expect people to read them. They are a collection of "user experiences" with zeovit. Read them, and you'll see a common theme.

First time I tried it I lost a lot of corals so I hope this time is better

All of my Monti digitata are suffering from STN. Some started on the tips, others at the base, and some within the colony.

Hi need to know from the experts here, on what conditions will rtn/stn happen? I had been using zeovit for ~4weeks. New tank setup. Noticed that all parms still at zero....But today, as i was removing algae form the tamk glass and sps rocks, found that 2 sps had started to stn.

I have had a number (3) of corals STN on me...As well as a (2) RTN. I came home to one 3" multi branch frag I have had for about three weeks completely gone with some tissue hanging off. My other coral bought at the same time is showing the underside of branches white. Prior to today they looked excellent. I notice they have STN occuring while polyps are fully extended and good tissue seems very healthy...this has been the case in every coral/frag that has succumed. I had two other corals start to STN only to stop and they seem to be hanging in there, one is growing tissue back over the affected areas anbd the other is not growing but not losing tissue either.

Iv'e been on Zeo since May 1, 2005, and have had continuous problems with STN. It seems I always have 1 coral that is going through STN. It always starts from the base, and affects new corals as well as corals that I have had for years. Frags of the STN corals come back and grow. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions. Here is my parameters, and they are stable.

Okay, in the process of losing 3 Acro's to some form of STN. 2 of them I attributed to overall poor health (long time brown outs), but a 2 month old Bali AC has started now. The only changes made to my system/dosing regimen has been the addition of the ME and CV. Any idea as to what may be causing this?

What I would like to try find out is which of the ZEO products are the main causes for STN or RTN to occur.

I know that there are many factor to this scenario, ( reducing nutrients to quickly, light parameter changes, incorrect parameters, to little flow, stressed coral etc etc)

I've cut back on the start but it doesn't seem to be helping. I still have several corals that show tissue recession. What should I do?


What would you say is the most common reason for Coral Bleeching? I have experienced some problems with Accroporas that starts to go white slowly after approx 3-4 weeks after purchase, not all of my corals but a couple of them from one dealer.

I have notice a very slow tissue necrosis on a valida colony. The problem is at the base of the coral. It isnt because of lack of flow. The progress has been very slow the past 3 days.

As the days go by, my SPS frags loose their color and begin to get a slight fade of white. On the other hand my SPS colony from Solomon Island is going through what seems to be STN from the base up! I've attempted fraging the tips and places were the bleach has already occured and the STN keeps advancing!

I observe since few days a tissue recession from basis of all Stylophora/Pocillopora sp. in my tank.

I have afew acro always stn from the base up. and some minor tissue recession on the side branches.

Hi, today i discovered that one of my SPS is having rtn at the tips. Is this a sign of overdose or increase in zeovit reactor flow???

Had an A. Nobilis which was doing fantastic. It seems to be STN from the base and only underneath the lower branches. All polyps are fully extended. All paramaters are good. Any ideas?????

I came home from school this afternoon and bingo, A cap I have had in my tank for about 3 months had some small RTN on it. The RTN was about 1/10 the size of the coral, so I broke the RTN off and hopefully that will stop it...

I dosed zeospur2 4 days ago but don't think this has anything to do with it, all my other corals look great since dosing it. I guess it was just an unexpected isolated case.

It is important to follow the instructions (Layton didn't when he used it)

That's false, I followed the original instructions from Mr Pohl himself.

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They are a collection of "user experiences" with zeovit. Read them, and you'll see a common theme.

Layton you are just being silly.

How can you call this a "common theme", when you have read every thread on zeovit .com, chosen one out of every few hundred, bundled them together and called it a "common theme"?

I could equally go somewhere like Reef Central, read all the threads, choose a bunch of threads about some problem in non zeovit tanks, bundle them together, and call it a "common theme".

What University did you say you went to?

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