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Found 4 results

  1. I fear I'm about to have guppy fry. I've put the female in a breeder box for now. I don't actually want fry, so once they're big enough to go into a main tank, what do I do with them? I live in Christchurch, are there any LFS that will take them? I don't want any money for them and someone who could take all of them would be great. I might also pass on the female I have and keep a few males.
  2. Hi all - guppy fry for sale! Koi fry at $5 each, random hybrids from my other tank at $2 each. Koi fry are limited in number but possible bulk discount for the random fry. PICK UP ONLY, MT COOK WELLINGTON. Hit me up for pics of the fish and tanks if you're interested. Thanks, Max
  3. Hi, I got my first guppies a couple of months ago. Two females arrived pregnant, and now I have around 20 6-week old fry and 20 1-week old fry. I’ve been doing as much research as I can, but I have two questions I can’t find answers to. I’m hoping someone here can help me out. 1. I’ve read that it’s good to fast the adults one day a week to prevent swim bladder issues. I’ve also read that fry need to eat several times every day. At what age is it okay for fry to be fasted for one day? 2. I recently put some spinach in the tank to try to catch some nuisance snails. The snails didn’t fall for it, but the guppies LOVED it. So I’d like to give them more veggies, but I’m worried about over feeding them. If I give them veggies should I not feed their usual pellets or flakes that day? Or if in addition, how frequently should I give them veggies? Just as a treat once a week, maybe? Thank you so much for your help. ?
  4. Hi, My Cory knock shop is running well, the little guys are getting plenty of action, the girls, keep on putting out, question, is can I have multi-able batches of fry/eggs in the same tank?? will the older ones, start to eat the younger fry/eggs etc?? (fry tank is 90 litre, about 3/4 fill) Current batch I saved, is about 2 weeks old, are pretty happy swimming around (20-30 of the little guys)... second lot are just eggs at the moment, I've ordered a ZET-E55 Ziss Fish Egg & Shrimp Tumbler Incubator should hopefully arrive in a couple of weeks... looks pretty cool... should help in the future... -Chris
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