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Everything posted by Dawn

  1. Girsir - I have had a blue male and a golden male Gourami in the same tank for months, they do chase each other but that is all it amounts to, they never fight!
  2. Thanks everyone, I thought as much. No Caryl it doesn't really matter but I just wanted to make sure as I've never had Swordtails before. Shae, it's too late now but if you want to see closer up photos just click on the originals here:- http://photobucket.com/albums/v616/Pandoras-Fish/
  3. Dawn

    Jewel Fry

    My Jewel fry are now not quite 3 weeks old and about 1cm long.
  4. Now that you mention it - when I was looking on the Net for a picture of it I came across this - so perhaps it is related to the Cabomba:- Myriophyllum robustum cabomba (Portuguese-Brazil), Carolina fanwort, Carolina water-shield, fanwort, fish-grass, Washington-grass, Washington-plant Here:- http://www.issg.org/database/species/Si ... &fr=1&sts=
  5. Can anyone tell me what this fish is please? I bought it as a Platy but the males are indifferent to her and her shape does look a little different to the others - could she be a Swordtail? The red one on the left IS a Platy in this photo
  6. Here's the picture of Myriophyllum robustum that I promised you Aqua. I've broken off one stem, divided and replanted it, so far so good although the bottom leaves of the main plant are starting to yellow a bit. Click here to see a close up of it. http://photobucket.com/albums/v616/Pand ... hyllum.jpg
  7. Yes, perhaps we can do some swapping? I'll let you know how I get on with the replanting.
  8. I also have this Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis in my cichlid tank but I'm removing it to another tank very soon because they keep on digging it up and about half of it has floated to the top over the last two weeks! Purchased from Mitre10 New Lynn, tag says:- Oxygenating. A lovely plant that forms a carpet at the bottom of your pond. Great for foraging fish. Will take greater depths than other oxygenating plants. Planting Depth up to 1m in good light.
  9. I have this one called Myriophyllum robustum - it looks really pretty in the tank, much nicer than the photo actually. It is growing towards the light at a rapid pace much to my dismay but I think I might pinch off a few and replant them to see what happens. This is what the tag says about it - I purchased it at Palmers in Gt North Rd Kelston a few weeks ago:- NZ Native. Oxygenating. A plant now so rare as to be classified as vulnerable. Great spawning grounds for fish, incredible submerged foliage. Planting Depth: 5cm-2m. I could find lots of info on the Net about it but only this one photo which doesn't do it justice, I'll see if I can get a photo of mine later today.
  10. Don't forget Kyle the first two are mine! I don't think you are going to have any trouble getting rid of them, it just might take awhile if they keep breeding every 11 days!
  11. Wazza now has my three Silver Dollars, they were the biggest gutses in the tank! They absolutely loved Cichlid pellets especially if they floated down the tank so they could grab them although they did get food from the top also. They used to bounce the round pellets like basketballs in their mouths, funny to watch. I would have to feed them with larger food like the pellets down one end of the tank while I was feeding the rest of the fish at the other end to make sure they all had something to eat! I picked up a clip on a sucker pad at my LFS the other day - it holds the lettuce leaves - put the lettuce into the freezer for about half an hour first, that softens the membranes and makes it easier for them to eat.
  12. Oh cripes CatBrat, all that money down the drain and those poor fish - deepest sympathies. And I thought I'd had a bad day having to put my female Kribensis to sleep!
  13. Thanks for the help Suphew. I do have a test kit and did a few tests but came up with nothing wrong with the water as far as I could see. Since Monday I've left her alone and just treated the tank. She wasn't coming out for food and I couldn't see her at all for two days. This morning I wanted to make sure she wasn't dead and went looking for her, found her hiding and unfortunately she was far worse than I imagined - the bulge in her eye was now white and huge with her eye sort of hanging on the outside of it - I felt it was kinder to put her to sleep rather than have her die in agony, which is what I did. The male seems to be fine but I will keep on treating the tank for another couple of days just to make sure. I'll do another water change tomorrow then in a week if he's still okay I'll put him into the community tank.
  14. LOL - yes you're right there Alan. On reflection keeping fish is a whole lot easier than bringing up six children who were all teenagers at the same time!!! Give me fish any day....
  15. Thanks very much Suphew. I did a search as you suggested and read up on 'pop eye' and what it's causes are. Seems like it could be one of a few different things and according to at least one source it is very hard to treat. It looks like it might be kinder to put her to sleep and then treat the tank to make sure the male will be okay.
  16. I couldn't believe the activity that was going on in my 215 litre tank this morning! It made me tired just sitting there looking at them. There are three Zebra Danios madly dashing around & around the tank chasing a very fat female who is having nothing to do with them, every now and again she turns around and chases them off! The Bristlenoses were searching frantically like algae was going out of fashion and the male Cherry Barbs were all doing a little dance routine together while the females went about their business. I think I have some very kinky fish - there's a female Guppy who rather likes a male Platy and chases the female away and a new female Platy is enamoured of a female Cherry Barb. Actually I bought the female Platy yesterday as a Platy but she looks awfully like a Molly to me now that I've had a good look at her! And my new female Cobalt Blue Gourami won't have anything to do with the male - where have I gone wrong?
  17. Oh oh, I was cleaning out the Kribensis tank this morning and saw that my female has a badly protruding eye - as she moves so fast I couldn't really get a good look at it but it looks to be brown and very much like the eyes of a googly-eyed goldfish except she's only got the one bad eye! I did about a 40% water change and dosed the water with Malachite Green. I've looked through my fish books but can't come up with what it might be, hopefully one of the experts on here might know? Or would it be kinder to put her to sleep now and not waste time trying to get her better? The male seems to be okay. There is no discernible ammonia or nitrite in the tank although the PH had dropped to about 6.2, after the water change it is now at 6.8.
  18. Yes you hadn't made your SECOND reply when I said that - as it turned out I must have taken longer to type my reply because your second one turns up before mine! And I agree with Ira - the literage IS the size of the tank!
  19. Thanks Alan, it'll be interesting to watch. This is what the FNZAS says about Mondo Grass - "Two colour varieties exist – a black & a green form. A popular hardy aquarium plant."
  20. I have grown mini mondo grass before and currently have some in one of my tanks, bought from an LFS. Actually I didn't have much success with it last time but hoping for better results this time around. Where do you work Brendan, I'll come and see you?
  21. So when you slowly drown a plant to put into an aquarium do you leave it in the pot (soil & all) or do you empty it and clean the soil from the roots first? I originally put one in a bucket pot and all and half covered the plant with water then added a bit more each day - but after a couple of days the water was black and the plant was filthy! So I took it out cleaned it off so it was soil-less then put it back into the bucket with clean water and some gravel in the bottom to hold it in place. It's currently outside in the shade getting a little early morning sunshine. Should I be feeding it some Flourish or something while I'm waiting for it to drown? Am I doing the right thing or am I completely bonkers - no need to answer that one, I already know the answer...
  22. Mmmm that reminds me I have some black mondo grass planted by the letterbox, I think it's hidden under the ivy growing over the letterbox - must see if there's any still there and rescue it - to drown it :lol: I googled 'libertia', looks very nice, can I get that at any plant shop Brendan? Keep the names coming folks, I'm writing them all down. I'm currently 'slowly drowning' a Myriophyllum robustum. I found it at Palmers, it's a NZ native that is quite rare apparently. Planting depth upto 2m and has incredible submerged foliage and is a great spawning ground for fish - so the tag says! Another species - M. aquaticum - is mentioned on the FNZAS webpage as being a pest in NZ! Do you know anything about M. robustum Brendan? http://www.fnzas.org.nz/320+B6JnVzZXJfc ... Dg_.0.html
  23. Sorry but I don't agree Alan and Ballistic - I'm just the opposite - I darn well wish that people would put the literage size of their tanks instead of the measurement - I find it extremely hard to picture the size of a tank when measurement is given without getting out my tape measure! I suppose that's because I know the literage of all of my tanks off by heart so compare with those. How on earth do you calculate anything to be added to your tank by only knowing the measurement and not literage? It's all done by drops/tsps/etc per litre. BTW you two guys took over Hummingbirds subject forum and didn't even bother to answer her question! Very rude.... :roll:
  24. My opinion is neither. 200w wouldn't be enough for 250 litres and wasted in 60 litres. But you could say add another smaller one and use it in the 250 litre tank.
  25. Wow Billaney fantastic, they even look like baby Kribensis - my baby Jewels look like baby stick insects! Did anyone notice what looks like a smiling face in the body of the mother Krib in the middle photo? Spooky.....
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