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    animals, art....

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  1. I like it :spop: Love the roots on the left. Like above, be awesome if the sawn off tops finished flush at the water surface, but eh, they still look cool
  2. Would almost have preferred a crappy small amount so it would have actually been feasible to seperate it! LOL It spent a week floating at the top of the tank before I got a replacement heater (old one died) so it has some hair algae on it, but still looks healthy enough, so I hope it can recover and take root
  3. They were all swimming around happily when I came home today (light came on with timer after I left for work) so they seem fine
  4. Long story, started with small tank, then got big tank, had big tank for a while (also experimented with small tank in meantime). Entire stock of big tank killed about 10 months ago when partner accidentally unplugged it before we went on holiday ( :tears: ). Didn't have time for big tank anyway, so just sold that. Decided still wanted fish so have re-started small tank. Must... not... MTS Specs: 38 litre curved glass rimless tank Hang on the back filtration Very fine jet black substrate. Just a couple of fert balls pushed underneath at the moment Lighting is home made (with an RCD at the plug *just in case*). Currently has 4 bright white energy saver bulbs. Plants: Windelov Java Fern, Dwarf Anubias, Dwarf Sag and Glosso. Still want to get Baby's Tears at the least. Fish: 10 sacrificial neons for cycling purposes. Still deciding on what to get once tank stable, a pair of blue rams is still my dream (never had a lot of luck with them) Ferts: Currently only Flourish. Been reading and sounds like I will need to sort some NPK at some stage, plus possibly some more undergravel ferts for the glosso. CO2: Pressurised!! First time too. As you will see in photo, currently using crappy ladder. Will get a ceramic diffuser soon. Aquascape, nothing flash at the moment. Just want to get plants settled and growing, plus some more types, then can start fiddling with how its all organised. If the neons don't settle, might need to cut back the lighting. Acclimatised them to the water, added them, they swam around for 5 minutes then all huddled in the back corner looking like they were going to die :facepalm: I have since turned the light off and they are now swimming around happily, go figure :roll: Oh yeah, can you tell I started separating out my giant clump of glosso, got sick of it, then just jammed the mass in haha. Very difficult to get individual bits to stay down in that fine gravel.
  5. Just started up my wee 38 litre tank and needing some plants and fancy driftwood to aquascape with! looking a bit bare with gravel and nothing else Was at Wonderworld the other weekend, so know roughly what they have. Was wondering what World of Water in Hamilton was like (always hear their ad on the radio). Live about 45 mins away from both stores, so be nice to know what their stocking is like in regards to plants and wood before I make the drive Anyone been or been lately?
  6. Shame I didn't see this thread earlier (though its all worked out anyhow!) Theres a vet in Rotorua who deals in birds - he fixes fractures for the NZ Falcons at Wingspan if and when they come in. So your Kaka wouldn't have had to go as far/been as far away. But as I said, seems to have worked out
  7. I would hope that puppy does *not* have congenital hydrocephalus as it is a disease they generally die of This pup just has the typical big eyes and domed skull of a chi How are the intro's going? bulldogod?
  8. No And because I can't help myself, I'll add more. I work at a vet clinic and we get the occasional client who expresses trouble getting in for revisits/frequently/at a certain time because they don't have a car (or what have you). However in my experience, these people don't have the spare cash to spend on getting someone else to do it for them. I'd imagine your target market is the rich, who have the spare cash lying around and would just enjoy the luxury of not having to shop (or obviously those that are too busy)
  9. wish I was in quicker! I have two females here, so would swap one for a male in a heartbeat lol (and my other half just went to Palmy today, drat)
  10. Nah too late They ate all the eggs this morning Wonder if people will pay for that...
  11. Mmm you are lucky They didn't have nice big flat natural looking bits like that when I trolled through there :roll: No matter, I like the cool rounded dark rocks I have now
  12. Argh, where did you get that nice schist?? I look EVERYWHERE when I first set up my big tank. And always kept an eye out since then, but nothing... But lookin good. Make sure you post updated pics in a few weeks
  13. That was cheeky of them imsweet!! Whilst I said above dog owners are liable if their dog gets hit by a car... but seriously, a working dog on a country road moving sheep? They shouldn't have been going fast enough through a mob of sheep to hit the dog!! :evil:
  14. Not really peoples attitudes, its because its also the laws. Dogs by law have to be under control at all times. Cats do not, thus they are allowed to travel wherever they want. The owners are doing nothing wrong in the eyes of the law, no matter what other people think. However cat owners have to accept the consequences when their pets get hit by cars, attacked by dogs, into cat fights etc
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