Long story, started with small tank, then got big tank, had big tank for a while (also experimented with small tank in meantime). Entire stock of big tank killed about 10 months ago when partner accidentally unplugged it before we went on holiday ( :tears: ). Didn't have time for big tank anyway, so just sold that. Decided still wanted fish so have re-started small tank. Must... not... MTS
38 litre curved glass rimless tank
Hang on the back filtration
Very fine jet black substrate. Just a couple of fert balls pushed underneath at the moment
Lighting is home made (with an RCD at the plug *just in case*). Currently has 4 bright white energy saver bulbs.
Plants: Windelov Java Fern, Dwarf Anubias, Dwarf Sag and Glosso. Still want to get Baby's Tears at the least.
Fish: 10 sacrificial neons for cycling purposes. Still deciding on what to get once tank stable, a pair of blue rams is still my dream (never had a lot of luck with them)
Ferts: Currently only Flourish. Been reading and sounds like I will need to sort some NPK at some stage, plus possibly some more undergravel ferts for the glosso.
CO2: Pressurised!! First time too. As you will see in photo, currently using crappy ladder. Will get a ceramic diffuser soon.
Aquascape, nothing flash at the moment. Just want to get plants settled and growing, plus some more types, then can start fiddling with how its all organised.
If the neons don't settle, might need to cut back the lighting. Acclimatised them to the water, added them, they swam around for 5 minutes then all huddled in the back corner looking like they were going to die :facepalm: I have since turned the light off and they are now swimming around happily, go figure :roll:
Oh yeah, can you tell I started separating out my giant clump of glosso, got sick of it, then just jammed the mass in haha. Very difficult to get individual bits to stay down in that fine gravel.