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Posts posted by PENEJANE

  1. yeah the filter is pretty useless but it provides movement. I know things could be better and I am working on it (lol I only just got a light for it like a month ago). I look to upgrade the filter hopefully before summer hits but so far so good. Nothing has died and things are good. I would of taken a pic of the crab I have in there but he/she didn't want to come out of its little hidey hole lol. Maybe next time.


  2. Ok I took some pics tonight of the whole tank and some other bits and bobs. Yes I know it needs a clean and I am going to do that as soon as it is suitable for me to get out there and get some new salt water :D

    Full Frontal

    http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/p ... lttank.jpg

    One of the two types of snails I currently have in there

    http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/p ... tsnail.jpg

    This one split only a week ago

    http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/p ... ttank3.jpg

    This one is bigger than the "OLD" 50 cent piece (base)

    http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/p ... ttank4.jpg



  3. yeah I will take a pic of the whole tank tonight. But don't keep your hopes up its not that great lol. I don't run a chiller at all on it. When the temp gets up over the 22-23*C mark I just float a 2ltr bottle of ice (water frozen in bottle in freezer) temp drops down to below the 18*C mark in about 2-3 hrs. Everything survived last summer and it was in the sun. Now its away from the sun so I will see how this summer goes. The tank is only 2.5ft long 1ft high and 1ft deep so its not that much water. I eventually want to remove most of the rocks and add some more coral rock but that has to wait for now lol.

    Glad you like it :D


  4. Ok got bored today and so decided to take some more pics of my first spawning. Have noticed a lot of them are comming through as veiltails but I have got 2 that I think are strongly holding the Halfmoon tail shape but who knows. I thinnk I will wait till their fins get a bit more growth on them before I fully decide that lol.

    Well here are some pics.....

    Young Halfmoon **maybe**



    Young Veiltail


    Young Crowntail X Veiltail *Dad CT, Mum Veiltail*



    My Crowntail in a better view. **LYNDYLOO this is for you :D Enjoy**


  5. To me it looks like either fungus of some sort or as caryl said its slime coat. I would suggest you do a search on these two areas and see what gives you are more true diagnosis and then work out best way to treat it.

    best of luck and hope she comes right soon.

  6. Cheers Shae. Unfortunatly I think he is on his way out. He has become very slow. No obvious marks or infections so I am putting it down to just getting old but I am making things as comfortable for him as possible in the mean time. I just soooooooo hope that one of his offspring will be just like him.


  7. Here are some pics of the ones I currently have. First up is a pic of a female betta, half CT male and another male all from my very first spawning.

    http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/p ... Image6.jpg

    http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/p ... gbetta.jpg

    http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/p ... Image9.jpg

    **these last two images were taken with the betta still in its cup so they come out a little blury**

    Honey Gouramis that I have for sale at present. Think these guys are really neat.

    http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/p ... mage16.jpg

    Here are another couple of shots of my CT betta

    http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/p ... CF6217.jpg

    http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/p ... tbetta.jpg

    My lovely halfmoon male betta. I don't know if he is full halfmoon or not but he shows all traits for it from what I have researched. His fins are a little scragly looking as he is getting on in his time.

    http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/p ... dbetta.jpg

    Enjoy :bounce:

  8. I dont' know if I have any CTs as of yet as they are not even 1cm in legenth hehehe but I have a good hatch rate this time compared to last time. So I have my fingers crossed for hopefully 1 or 2 will show full CT in their fins. But I can only hope at this time untill they are bigger and their fins start to grow :D


  9. Yes Luke I know what you mean about the colours. I crossed my red male with a blue female and out of the whole lot of babies I have managed to get 1 blue female and one tourquise green/red male. But the rest of them are all red with a little hint of blue in their fins.

    Still awesome fish and I can't wait to see what I get out of my second lot of CT bettas.

  10. Now if I had a suitable camera I would take some pics of my youngens. But my camera doesn't do close ups :(

    Most of mine are dark red with black ends with a sky blue colour inbetween the rays on their tails. I have one in particular who is comming out as a cambodian/butterfly effect so I am thinking of keeping this one as his fins are pretty see through compared to the others. Maybe I could get a hold of someone with a good camera to come in and take some nice pics for me :D

    Still awesome photos guys.

  11. Well you could try I guess. Can't see why not. Even if you were to get a super low hatch rate at least you will still have some. Would be best to remove dad though or he will probably eat them as they hatch. With my last spawning most of my eggs were on the bottom but some of them still hatched. Make sure the tank is kept very clean. No harm in trying.

    Hope all goes well.


  12. From my experience in breeding bettas I wouldn't do anything just yet.....

    .... I have had my bettas breed, dad doing an awesome job untill the next morning and bubble nest basicly gone and eggs on the bottom of the tank............

    Is there still a small bubble nest there or is it completly gone? Is dad still trying to franticly pickup all the eggs and spit them back up into a non existant nest?

    ..... because my male betta had a very small tightly compact little nest going even though many eggs were on the bottom. He kept on picking up the eggs that fell and picked up the extras that were still on the bottom. Give him a chance. If it still fails then yes give him 2-3 weeks rest and good foods and try again. He could be young yet and still needs to learn things.

    Good luck with it.



  13. well the female bettas are in with the swords, mollies and guppies. So far all good. Gouramis were put into the tank that had one male fighter in it and through the bag was instant agression so I removed the male and put him back in his cup. Hes a pretty wee boy to from my first spawning.


    I know its a pretty shitty pic but he has what looks to be a full "D" half moon tail when he flares so I am going to have to keep him and wait to see how his fins grow out. He is dark red with bright blue in between the rays of his tail with a black trim on the outer edge.

    Well after getting the fish in I can say I am pretty settled in how the tanks are now setup. Everyone is happy which is good.

    Cheers for the comments.

  14. I am not getting Oscars in. Thats why I was asking about the fish I do have at present. Not all mollies are brackish but the majority can handle more salt than your normal tropical and some can even be in a full marine tank.

    The females are still young yet but not young enough to become a meal lol

    So gouramis in tank by themselves and corys with bettas, mollies and swords in another? Thats how I had it origionaly but wasn't to sure about the bettas.


  15. I was wondering what other fish can go in with a group of female bettas. At present there are only 6 young girls in there. The tank is bare bottom with floating ricca, java moss and some ambulia clamped down with some weights. Would mollies and swords be ok with them? Or dwaf gouramis?



  16. Alan I was just answering Shanes post. If he was to of been on msn I would of told him there. I don't have any wishes to rejoin the NZKA.

    We, the NZKA have a financial year and subs are due in April.

    no one told me this when I signed up. I had no idea that the NZKA year ended the same as the financal year. But I ain't to worried about it all now. I am busy with bigger and better things and I have a way to aquire killies cheaply with out having to be with the NZKA.

    I am not to fussed about the year book or the mag that gets sent out. I was just asking out of interest if it could be purchased which was answered and I fully understand what Caryl said that it is restricted to affiliated NZFAS members.



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